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Author Topic: Cybot  (Read 1687 times)

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Offline amando96Topic starter

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« on: April 23, 2010, 03:30:04 AM »
What a great kit, it came out when i was 9 years old, i bought it "all" the way to the 16th issue, which is okay, it can follow lines, avoid objects, follow objects, follow light...
and for like 12€(back then we had escudos here, i don't remember the exact price) each issue, i think there should be more of these, it didn't require any soldering, just break away male, and female headers, a nice chassis that could be used in the future, with it's own H-bridge and battery status indicator, mine is still in working order, it's almost 10 years old...
That got me more interested in robotics and electronics.

Did anyone else build it? is it still working?
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