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how come digital systems reduce noise?


--- Quote ---how come digital systems reduce noise?
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ok you just opened up a can of worms . . .

analog signals look like a squiggley sinusoidal like line. if the signal is between 0 and 5V, at any point the signal could be like 4.35V, or 1.32V, or 4.99V.

digital signals look like a staircase. if the signal is between 0 and 5V, and its a 5bit system, that means you can only get 5 steps -> 1V, 2V, 3V, 4V, and 5V.

but when the digital signal is transmitted, noise goes in doing something like 1.2V, 2.1V, 2.8V, 3.9V, and 5.1V. when the digital signal is recieved, the reciever knows its only 5 bit, so it knows that 1.2V must be 1V, and that 2.8V must be 3V, etc. the signal is instantly cleaned. this cannot happen with an analog signal. because of this, digital signals can be transmitted significantly further with less energy, and yet still have better quality too - perfect for cellphones.

have you ever heard an mp3 encoded in 64bit, and another in 128bit, and noticed the quality difference? the higher bit number means more steps, so it mimics the analog signal much better.

the problem with too high of a bit rate is, if the noise is greater than the step, the reciever would clean the signal to the wrong step. higher bit rates also require more memory than lower bit rates (more steps to encode).

are we digitally clear? :P

111100111001011110011 ;D

oh so digital systems dont actually send sine waves  :o :o :o . i should be alrite now thanks for the help admin ;D ;D ;D ;D

NO!!! it's important to note a square wave form is a sin wave of sort. It is a signal that can be read translated resent and everything else you can think of with a sin wave. What Admin said is that digital signals produce a square wave which is 'cleaner' or easier to read and more importantly correct when recieved. Correct me if I'm wrong but sinusoidial is a mathmatical discription of what is known as an analouge signal. Sorry about stealing the light Admin but I'm trying to leave my mark here and I believe this makes a nice round 5 to finish out the day  ;D . Good Night World


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