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Stair climbing robot

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Does anybody have any plans or designs for a stair climbing robot that i could modify? it doesnt have to be a bi-ped and id rather if it wasnt, as long as the design could reliably climb and descend stairs.


Steve Joblin:
I haven't actually built one myself, but a quick Google search turned up some interesting sites...

You can go with a "tread" approach (think military tank) where the treads are longer than the distance between two outside corners of the steps.
You can go with a "whegs" approach (google on "whegs" to get different designs)
You can go with an articulated frame approach using six wheels

Check out these to get started:

Thanks, I never even thought about using something like whegs, but this type of wheel/ leg design might just work for what i want.

I am desinging(google sketchup) a robot with 4 legs controlled by servo's that can climb stairs and other various obstacles.  If you want I can upload it later.. be warned though its only half complete and a lot of things would still change on it..

As far as controlling the legs, I am borrowing designs that use gears to do it.  Essentially you place gears at the edge of each leg segment and have them set a set distance apart.  Then link the metal legs with some kind of metal bar that can rotate.  Because the gears simply move around eachother, the segments never move farther or closer to eachother.

Let me know if you want ot see a 3d model

Yes please,

 I would like to explore and investigate as many design types as possible before settling for one that meets my needs.

 thank you


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