Software > Software

got roborealm API code?


I am trying to figure out how to use the roborealm API to use java to control roborealm.

I basically want to have java load up a module, then modify variables within that module. I also want RR to send values back somehow to java (without cross talk confusion).

Anyone have code that they can post that I can try and reverse engineer?

No, but you might want to post something on the RoboRealm forum or just send STeven an email - he is very responsive to that type of request.

Half Shell:
When you do have code that is going to allow RoboRealm to control something outside of itself let me know too - I'm interested in that source code.

I am working on code using RoboRealm API. It's not ready to share with you all. I will probably share all my code with the world in April or May after the competition.

Does anyone have code for OpenCV?


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