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Software => Software => Topic started by: subhechha on June 24, 2010, 03:59:55 AM

Title: beginner's doubt...
Post by: subhechha on June 24, 2010, 03:59:55 AM
hii friends
i want to make an autonomous to start with we need to write c/c++ program...well i to some extend know c/c++ programming ....but my prime question stands  in which programming software i need to program....since i got older version of c++ program software i dont get  requisite libraries (eg.servo.h) especially need to operate what do i do..?? where do i get..?? does c language proofs more efficient than c++ language??which is more preferable..??
Title: Re: beginner's doubt...
Post by: Joker94 on June 24, 2010, 04:11:13 AM
well you first have to decide on the micro controller you want to use. I recommend AVR by atmel as they are common on SOR and i have found them easier to work with that PICs (from my experience).

If you go with the AVR variety you then use AVR studio 4. it has all the fetures that you need to program the chip with the ability to add libaries and other files etc. this is a free download!

avr's are what is used in the $50 robot tutorial and has all the infomation you need.

As for a library i reommend "Webbotlib". it has all you need to program any robot you will need to to an extent. you can use it with AVR studio and all.


Title: Re: beginner's doubt...
Post by: subhechha on June 24, 2010, 04:16:24 AM
thank you very much but  i want to know the procedure to add extra libraries into AVR(the one you recommended)...........
Title: Re: beginner's doubt...
Post by: Joker94 on June 24, 2010, 04:25:01 AM
to add webbot lib all the instructions you need are in the PDF in the folder with all the other library files.

It is right at the end of the main folder. the PDF id just called "Webbotlib v #.##"

hope that is what you are after


Title: Re: beginner's doubt...
Post by: subhechha on June 24, 2010, 05:13:55 AM
i went through some tutorials on avr studio4.....but i doubt i can program...bcoz there i found lot of codes which are very specific for avr software....
Title: Re: beginner's doubt...
Post by: Joker94 on June 25, 2010, 02:07:10 AM
well it is AVR specific in the functions that are used as that is what is needed for programming AVR chips.

It still uses C it just uses different function calls and the functions used.

does that make sense.
Title: Re: beginner's doubt...
Post by: dellagd on June 26, 2010, 12:01:49 PM

I recommend for you to use webbot lib. For a c/c++ programmer (If you dont know how to program a computer, start at a website or a book to learn), it will be a bit of a shock to the system as, even though you use the same 'if' and 'while' functions, the whole layout and order of programming is different. The only real way to learn is to study some code that does work, look at examples in webbot lib documentation, then just go trial and error. For this, you really must learn and teach yourself.

Don't be intimidated, just start simple. Try to make a led blink once every second, then try to make a led blink when you press a button. Work your way up.

You'll get it eventually

Hope I helped :D

PS Follow the webbot lib 'getting started' instructions EXACTLY. One little mistake in the set-up can be a big pain later.