Electronics > Electronics

motor connections with L298

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how to programme to slow down the speed of motoer using a l293 motor ic.what programme to be written?

Steve Joblin:
The L293 can only control direction... to control speed you need to "pulse" the signal off and on very quicly... The technique is called Pulse Width Modulation, or PWM for short.  Many microcontrollers have a PWM command that will make it very easy to do.

For examples of how you do it with a Parallax Basic Stamp, check out this link (the code is at the bottom of the page)... http://www.me.umn.edu/courses/me2011/robot/technotes/L293/L293.html

The only thing you have to do is to generate A Pulse Width Modulated Signal with the help of the Program and feed it to the Control input of the L293 for the Clockwise or the Anticlockwise direction.

The PWM Signal generated by the Microcontroller can help in slowing or controlling the speed of the Motor.
look for following links.

How should be the motor driver like l298 be connected to armega 8.Where should the 4 input pins be connected to atmega 8.

U can use l298, with it u can control both the speed and the direction and it's good too when interfacing motors with microcontrollers.

the speed can be controlled by PWM (pulse width modulation).



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