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General Misc => Misc => Topic started by: Ai-bot on September 24, 2007, 09:41:47 AM

Title: What is the meaning of humanoids and android or difference
Post by: Ai-bot on September 24, 2007, 09:41:47 AM

I post this on other forum, but would like as many opinion as much as possible.

Maybe my English is not good, but I can:t seem to understand the difference between the two words: humanoids and android.

android = a robot that looks and acts like human.

humanoids = ??? A walking robot???

Maybe someone can explain the two words better for me to understand. ;D

Title: Re: What is the meaning of humanoids and android or difference
Post by: h3ro on September 24, 2007, 09:45:47 AM
From wikipedia:

An android is a robot designed to resemble a human, usually both in appearance and behavior.

The term "humanoid" refers to any being whose body structure resembles that of a human.

Looks like its basically the same, but humanoid does not have to be a robot, while android does
Title: Re: What is the meaning of humanoids and android or difference
Post by: Gertlex on September 24, 2007, 01:51:13 PM
Humanoid can be used to describe a robot, but really, it's the classification given to imaginary races such as elves, dwarves, orcs, etc.  Aliens too are sometimes humanoid.
Title: Re: What is the meaning of humanoids and android or difference
Post by: jklv on September 25, 2007, 11:09:20 AM
Humanoid can be used to describe a robot, but really, it's the classification given to imaginary races such as elves, dwarves, orcs, etc.  Aliens too are sometimes humanoid.
So humanoid might be living things while android machines?
Title: Re: What is the meaning of humanoids and android or difference
Post by: Fredrik Andersson on September 25, 2007, 12:25:26 PM
Humanoid means something that is human like or has human form, this meaning that a robot shaped like an human is an humanoid or have human like form like two legs, two arms, a torso and a head. An android however is a robot, that is made to look exactly like or as alike as possible as an human.

Thats how i view at it at least...
Title: Re: What is the meaning of humanoids and android or difference
Post by: snow on September 25, 2007, 03:19:16 PM
Humanoid can be used to describe a robot, but really, it's the classification given to imaginary races such as elves, dwarves, orcs, etc.  Aliens too are sometimes humanoid.

What about monkey? :)
Title: Re: What is the meaning of humanoids and android or difference
Post by: octagonx on September 26, 2007, 12:42:35 AM
humanoid should at least look like humans, legs limbs, head, and most importantly stand erect.  So monkeys wont be humanoids.
Title: Re: What is the meaning of humanoids and android or difference
Post by: snow on September 26, 2007, 06:10:11 AM
humanoid should at least look like humans, legs limbs, head, and most importantly stand erect.  So monkeys wont be humanoids.

( ? :) Just kiddings.
Title: Re: What is the meaning of humanoids and android or difference
Post by: Fredrik Andersson on September 26, 2007, 11:25:13 AM
This monkey is an humanoid

"Monkey with gun" != "Plain monkey"
Title: Re: What is the meaning of humanoids and android or difference
Post by: azy on November 13, 2010, 05:04:59 AM
Humanoid = Human Like. But has a wide spectrum of meaning, a chimp on two legs is far closer to human form than your typical I robot we would call humanoid.

Humanoid for me = head arms legs & torso , the main outlying appendages. These are often distorted, huge egg head, claws instead of hands, webbed feet. But if the main appendage array has the same count and layout then its humanoid. Can be living, dwarf, eggheaded alien.

Android for me, is something that is very physically close to the human form. The Shell. Androids are always mechanical.
The Terminator was an android. Having human flesh isn't important, its the close to human shape that is. An android may have metal skin and show signs of its mechanisation so long as the volumetric shape does not deviate far from human norms.

Skin Job was a term used in blade runner, the androids had a very strong biological component. In fact their mechanical side wasn't really shown at all.

as have at least a partly human brain. A human brain in a fishbowl mounted on top of a robot is still a cyborg.  A 100% robot brain mounted in a human body is a ...not too sure not really seen one....but a robot of somekind, but without the human brain their is no humanity. and a cyborg is a combination of man and machine so its not a cyborg....more a brainstealing . Robocop an obvious Cyborg.

A nanoborg or a nyborg is part human part nanomachine, a kind of artificial biochemistry. Nano defining technology on microscopic scales. its not just the fine scale of the engineering but the biological like processes of self repair it possesses.

The Mercuryfluid Terminator in terminator 2 in some sense not actually a newtonian/mechanical robot. It was a kind of nanobot (microengineered artificial biological like but not actually an artificial biology, but that word is used to describe a miniature robot. It was an android , made of nanotechnolgy, close to human form, machine mind and body.

Q ? Is Kryton from red Dwarf a robot or an Android ? Certainly a Humanoid robot, i would be tempted to call him an android as the shell is very close to human form, and has very human like personality.

Q ? Avatar, artificial pure biology controlled by a human mind via a machine interface, sort of radio control body, it is different again from all the above and from driving a car.  What would you call it ?

As real human technology encroaches on the realms of nanotechnology,synthetic biology etc it gets kind of hard to distinguish some of the boundaries. Cardboard box headed robots aside.