Author Topic: Arduino link with wifi using TLG10UA03 based wifi shield  (Read 5988 times)

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Offline omkarTopic starter

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Arduino link with wifi using TLG10UA03 based wifi shield
« on: June 05, 2012, 06:25:06 AM »
I am trying to use the following setup as explained in the link to link my arduino which resides on my tracked bot.

As explained in the description on ebay and in the manuals (using the test setup), I have gone right up to the point where the wifi module is independently working as a server and when i go to my browser I get "Hello world" message from the wifi module.

Now the problem: This setup essentially is as follows: The arduino uses the serial.println("Hello World") command to send a line to the serial bus as a string "Hello World". The wifi intermediate shield converts the serial message to TCP format and is read by the main wifi module. Then the wifi module transmits the webpage via wifi connection which it established through your home wifi network.

Now, I need to know how to do the reverse using VB.Net

My program running on a PC/Desktop will need to send motor drive commands (essentially in the format: 0 or 1, 0 to 255) to the arduino via the wifi connection. The PC will also be linked to the same wifi network.

I am completely clueless at this moment as to what needs to be done. To begin with I would love to be just be able to send a simple 0 or 1 to the correct arduino pin and turn a LED on or off.

Any ideas on this? Anyone has used this particular wifi shield? I have seen many people using XBee shield and Synclab shield using wifi.h library. But nothing like that exists for this shield.

Any help is super appreciated.....


Offline omkarTopic starter

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Re: Arduino link with wifi using TLG10UA03 based wifi shield
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2012, 06:28:34 AM »
Finally solved it ... posted the question on 5th June and today finally i managed to stumble my way to a solution. Aparently i was stressing over nothing as this is one of the simplest wifi arduino shields ever. The wifi shield does a lot of the "wifi"ing itself. All you have to do is hook it up to the arduino as instructed in the link and then whenever you do a Serial.print("xyz") in arduino, the wifi unit snaps it up and posts it to the server it is running and this can be read by any telnet client (I implemented a VB telnet client). Ofcourse for this to work you need to set up the wifi unit as a server and specify a port. The telnet client then logs in to the wifi unit.

All commands passed via the telnet client to the wifi are automatically sent to the arduino as serial messages and can be read using or when there is a command (in byte format) sent over the telnet client, serial.available() becomes true.

Hope this helps anyone else who buys this wifi unit.... its MUCH simpler than any other wifi shield from XBee or Asynclabs as it does not need any extra library files. The Arduino code you were using while connected via USB cable remains completely unchanged.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2012, 03:03:41 PM by omkar »


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