Mechanics and Construction > Mechanics and Construction

Ladder Climbing robot (newbie)

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I did a quick sketch in paint, to see if those are possible ways of doing it. IIRC Admin is a mechanical engineer, so I'd love some feedback if that is possible or even if the concept is possible. If so then maybe a beam type robot is possible.

The way it's supposed to work is- there would be one of those on each side of the robot and they are timed to oposite of each other.

Sorry I think it's too big to hotlink to it

Looks really good. add some kind of mechanisim to hold it's place while the rod is extending and you have a winner.
could probably just use a servo that rotate's a hook down on to the current rung.

The only somewhat technicaly hard problem is to know when to swing down the hook. Probably the best solution would be an encoder on one of the axels that runs the shaft. As a side note I think maybe a tank tread would be an easy way to get a somewhat eliptical patern and make it easy to attach the rod.

Most likely you will have to go with the seccond design in that drawing and even then its ganna have to be a long belt, assuming that the rungs of the ladder are a normal 18 inches apart. So no matter what the total length of the robot is doing to be around 15 to 20 inches.


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