Author Topic: Sabertooth 2x12 RC Motor Controller  (Read 2186 times)

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Offline WinterDustTopic starter

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Sabertooth 2x12 RC Motor Controller
« on: June 02, 2012, 06:16:42 PM »
I am currently working on a project to make an autonomous robot using motors and an SB-RIO board.

I purchased a 2x12 Sabertooth R/C Motor Controller for the motors, but when we attach it to our board there is only a constant voltage output.
No matter what we do we cannot get the signal coming from the board to vary.

Does anyone have suggestions of how to troubleshoot this issue?

Thank you.

Offline jkerns

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Re: Sabertooth 2x12 RC Motor Controller
« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2012, 07:31:33 AM »
You might want to provide a little more information to allow those that know more about these things to be able to help.

You say that you are getting a constant voltage output - the controller has a duty cycle output - the maximum voltage out should remain constant, just the percentage of on time will change. How were you measuring the output? Did you try hooking up a motor?

"No matter what we do" includes doing what? I assume this is connected to a micro controller board? What range of pulsewidths have you commanded? Did you actually measure the output from your board? Do you have access to an oscilliscope?
I get paid to play with robots - can't beat that with a stick.


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