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Arduino programming


I will be using an IR sensor and am told that the readings naturally come back in polar coordinates.  I would like to be able to change these polar coordinates into cartesian coordinates.  Does anyone know how I would write this using the Arduino software?  (The Arduino language is based on C/C++)

Conversion is easy, see here:

Converting the mathematical terms to C is also easy because the math functins (sine, cosine, atan) are available in avr-libc. Its almost a direct replacement for the terms and functions.

Do note however that linking with the math library would probably bloat your code, to a point where it won't fit in the AVR's flash. Don't expect it to be fast either. If these becomes a problem you can implement a LUT for approximating the trigonometric values:

Liana, that trig lookup code I wrote has up to a 10 degree error in it (acceptable but could be better).

I should be writing up a better one soon for AVR so I can do highly accurate super fast positioning for the robot arm on my newest robot.

Ill post the trig code when its done.

Thanks to both of you.  Do you know when you'll be posting the new trig code?

hmmm it may be awhile before I get my robot working enough that I can verify my code, but Im fairly sure I didnt make any mistakes. I listed it below if you are willing to beta test it.

To use it, just call cos_SoR(20) or sin_SoR(172) and it will return the answer multiplied by 100 (to avoid floating point math).

For example, if you wanted cos_SoR(20), it will return 94 (its really .94)

You can also do tan_SoR(degrees) which will give an answer multiplied by 10.

Let me know how it goes.

--- Code: ---//***********TRIG LOOKUP TABLES**********
//returns a trig sin or cos calculation value multiplied by 100 (to avoid floating point math)
//returns a trig tan calculation value multiplied by 10 (to avoid floating point math)
//only allows for angles between 0 and 360 degrees

//multiplied by 100 so no floating point math
signed int angtable[73]={100,100,98,97,94,91,87,82,77,71,64,57,50,42,34,26,17,9,0,-9,-17,-26,-34,-42,-50,-57,-64,-71,-77,-82,-87,-91,-94,-97,-98,-100,

signed int cos_SoR(long signed int degrees)//returns cos*100
if (degrees >= 0)//positive angles
return angtable[degrees/5];
return -angtable[72-(-degrees)/5];

signed int sin_SoR(long signed int degrees)//returns sin*100
degrees=degrees - 90;//phase shift 90 degrees

if (degrees >= 0)//positive angles
return angtable[degrees/5];
return -angtable[72-(-degrees)/5];

signed int tan_SoR(long signed int degrees)//returns tan * 10
//tan(x) = sin(x)/cos(x)
if (degrees == 90 || degrees == -90 || degrees == 270 || degrees == -270)//blows up
return 0;//what else should I return?!?!?
return sin_SoR(degrees)/cos_SoR(degrees)*10;

--- End code ---


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