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Software => Software => Topic started by: neo01124 on January 10, 2008, 08:58:13 AM

Title: Requisites for implementing SLAM
Post by: neo01124 on January 10, 2008, 08:58:13 AM
I want to implement a SLAM based algorithm on an autonomous bot and i read through the forum for help, i could gather an idea of the thing using the SLAM for dummies guide but i couldnt understand the implementation using the EKF i.e. i have no prior knowledge of filtering, etc.   
I want to know what sort of text (concerning maths as well as filtering,etc) i should have read before trying to implement a SLAM type of technique.
Title: Re: Requisites for implementing SLAM
Post by: benji on January 13, 2008, 03:39:57 PM
im doin a search also ,,just like you
you can google (simultanious localization and mapping) it gives too much stuff.
tell me if you got to see a good tutor
Title: Re: Requisites for implementing SLAM
Post by: Admin on January 14, 2008, 08:59:55 AM
in terms of hardware, if you want to do SLAM you need tons of memory and processing power . . . a laptop on your bot basically . . . microcontrollers can't handle it . . .

one SLAM method I've seen is mask fitting. basically you have a big map (a matrix), and a recent local map (a smaller matrix). your algorithm must figure out how your new local map fits as a puzzle piece to your larger map. it must account for rotations and differences and noise, too.

basically you are developing a jigsaw puzzle solver for robots, but where no piece fits perfectly.
Title: Re: Requisites for implementing SLAM
Post by: benji on January 14, 2008, 10:14:55 AM
exactly , actually i did some matlab functions that help in catenating those matrixes and make the mother matrix
till now i programmed one function to do a catenation of two matrixes using information of distance and angle
matlab already has a good function to do rotation of matrix, basically im using the image processing box it helps a lot.

again, any providing of the algorithm as a whole would be great