Author Topic: $50 servo control ( concerning _delay_us() and _delay_ms() )  (Read 3229 times)

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Offline jkflorekTopic starter

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$50 servo control ( concerning _delay_us() and _delay_ms() )
« on: February 22, 2009, 05:30:22 PM »
I wondering if, instead of using delay_cycles() for servo control/delays in the $50 robot, could the_delay_us() and _delay_ms() functions from WinAVR work?

I tried modifying the code, but I haven't received my microcontroller to test it on yet.

Here it is:
Code: [Select]
*   Copyright (c) 2007
*   (please link back if you use this code!)
*   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
*   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
*   published by the Free Software Foundation.
*   Alternatively, this software may be distributed under the terms of BSD
*   license.
* SoR Utilities v1, March 10th, 2007

//AVR includes
#include <avr/io.h>     // include I/O definitions (port names, pin names, etc)
#include <avr/interrupt.h> // include interrupt support
#include <util/delay.h>     // include delay support (in us and ms)

//AVRlib includes
#include "global.h" // include global settings
//#include "buffer.h" // include buffer function library
//#include "uart.h" // include uart function library
//#include "rprintf.h" // include printf function library
//#include "timer.h" // include timer function library (timing, PWM, etc)
#include "a2d.h" // include A/D converter function library

//define port functions; example: PORT_ON( PORTD, 6);
#define PORT_ON( port_letter, number ) port_letter |= (1<<number)
#define PORT_OFF( port_letter, number ) port_letter &= ~(1<<number)
#define PORT_ALL_ON( port_letter, number ) port_letter |= (number)
#define PORT_ALL_OFF( port_letter, number ) port_letter &= ~(number)
#define FLIP_PORT( port_letter, number ) port_letter ^= (1<<number)
#define PORT_IS_ON( port_letter, number ) ( port_letter & (1<<number) )
#define PORT_IS_OFF( port_letter, number ) !( port_letter & (1<<number) )

//************CONFIGURE PORTS************
//configure ports for input or output - specific to ATmega8
void configure_ports(void)
DDRC = 0x00;  //configure all C ports for input
PORTC = 0x00; //make sure pull-up resistors are turned off
DDRD = 0xFF;  //configure all D ports for output
DDRB = 0xC7;  //configure B ports 0, 1, 2, 6, 7 for output (google search '0b11000111 to hex')

//************DELAY FUNCTIONS************
//wait for X amount of cycles (23 cycles is about .992 milliseconds)
//to calculate: 23/.992*(time in milliseconds) = number of cycles
//void delay_cycles(unsigned long int cycles)
// {
// while(cycles > 0)
// cycles--;
// }

//*********SIMPLIFIED FUNCTIONS**********
//functions to make coding easier for a beginner
//but could cause port mixup confusion for intermediate users
void LED_on(void)
PORT_OFF(PORTD, 4);//turn LED on
void LED_off(void)
PORT_ON(PORTD, 4);//turn LED off
void servo_left(signed long int speed)
PORT_OFF(PORTD, 0);//keep off
void servo_right(signed long int speed)
PORT_OFF(PORTD, 1);//keep off
Code: [Select]
*   Copyright (c) 2007
*   (please link back if you use this code!)
*   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
*   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
*   published by the Free Software Foundation.
*   Alternatively, this software may be distributed under the terms of BSD
*   license.
* Photovore v1, March 10th, 2007
* Simple case-based method for a robot that chases light.

//SoR Include
#include "SoR_Utils.h" //includes all the technical stuff

int main(void)
//declare variables here
//int i=250;//a 'whatever' variable
int sensor_left=0;//left photoresistor
int sensor_right=0;//right photoresistor
int threshold=8;//the larger this number, the more likely your robot will drive straight

//other stuff Im experimenting with for SoR
//uartInit();  // initialize the UART (serial port)
//uartSetBaudRate(9600);// set the baud rate of the UART for our debug/reporting output
//rprintfInit(uartSendByte);// initialize rprintf system

//timerInit(); // initialize the timer system

configure_ports(); // configure which ports are analog, digital, etc.
a2dInit(); // initialize analog to digital converter (ADC)
a2dSetPrescaler(ADC_PRESCALE_DIV32); // configure ADC scaling
a2dSetReference(ADC_REFERENCE_AVCC); // configure ADC reference voltage

//rprintf("Initialization Complete\r\n");

/*********ADD YOUR CODE BELOW THIS LINE **********/
LED_off();//turn LED on

//store sensor data

//detects more light on left side of robot
if(sensor_left > sensor_right && (sensor_left - sensor_right) > threshold)
{//go left

//detects more light on right side of robot
else if(sensor_right > sensor_left && (sensor_right - sensor_left) > threshold)
{//go right

//light is about equal on both sides
{//go straight

/* Servo Test Code


//rprintf("Initialization Complete\r\n");

//output message to serial (use hyperterminal)
//print("Hello, World! Read My Analog: %u\r\n", sensor_0);

_delay_ms(20);//a small delay to prevent crazy oscillations
/*********ADD YOUR CODE ABOVE THIS LINE **********/

return 0;

/*********************COMMAND LIST*************************

Delays - you can make your robot wait for a certain amount of time with this function.
Put the number of computational cycles to delay in the ().
23 cycles is about .992 milliseconds
to calculate: 23/.992*(time in milliseconds to delay) = cycles
Check servo datasheet where it says: 'Direction: Clockwise/Pulse Traveling 1500 to 1900usec'

servo_left(speed); and servo_right(speed);
Commands your servos to rotate at a certain speed.
Vary speed (which represents a delay in cycles) from 20 to 50.
Left is for port D0 and right is for port D1.

LED_on(); and LED_off();
Turns on and off your LED. The LED is on port D4.
By bringing port D4 low, you are turning on the LED.

Reads analog pin. For example, set 'pin' to 5 to read PC5.
'variable' will store the value.


Offline cosminprund

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Re: $50 servo control ( concerning _delay_us() and _delay_ms() )
« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2009, 01:14:54 AM »
It's probably a matter of resolution. You can't delay less then one cycle and this:

Code: [Select]
23 cycles is about .992 milliseconds

... tells you you're working with an pretty slow MCU: .992/23 ~= 0.043 ms per clock cycle, and that's ~= 43 us per clock cycle; This makes the _delay_us() pretty unusefull because it will round everything to 43 us anyway, probably more because of the inherent lost cycles: remamber an cycle is 43 us!

If you'd hook up an oscillator to that MCU you might get better use out of the _delay_us() and _delay_ms() functions but as things are it's probably better to simply use the delay_cycles routine, it's closer to what's actually happening.

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Re: $50 servo control ( concerning _delay_us() and _delay_ms() )
« Reply #2 on: February 26, 2009, 09:34:04 PM »
The delay_us() and delay_ms() functions for AVR Lib C (not WinAVR) also use cycles. You define clock rate, and it automatically calculates required cycles for you. However their method introduces rounding errors that I didn't like. You can use either method as all code comes with the $50 Robot.

