Electronics > Electronics

converting to ten pin...

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how do i convert my programer to a ten pin programer... I have asked all over but no one really knows how to explain it...

ummm how about some info first? What programmer are you using? What is it currently in terms of pin count? What are you trying to program? Why does the programmer need to be converted and not the circuit?

Im assuming your talking about the AVR ISP MkII? Which is a 3x2 pin?

And BTW, this technically isnt a software question, just so you know.

Ok I found your other post so now I know what you want to do. Ill write a small tutorial complete with pretty picture and post it in a second =)

It is much easier to just incorporate a new 3x2 header. Ill show you how, its much easier to do. Stand by...

In the meantime, look over this post:
It will help you

ok..... so i was gona convert my isp mkII to 10 pin but now i am told it is better to desolder. I have looked over all the posts on fixing it but all those numbers and stuff dont help me much.... i really am a noob... the only reason i could do the rest of the tutorial is cuz  it told me exactly what to do... What i will probobly do is put a pic on of my board and meybe someone could circle what has to go on paint and then put it on here.


meybe there is already a pic of a board on this site.... and someone could just circle what parts have to go on that... I look now...

 there is one on this page http://www.societyofrobots.com/step_by_step_robot_step3B.shtml

All the numbers you see on that page are pin numbers.

Dont desolder what you already have. Instead, create a new 3x2 header and solder it somewhere else on the board. Then do the following:
Use this picture of the micro-controller(aka "uC", "MCU") as a reference for the rest of what im going to tell you: (Click for a larger picture)

Ok, heres how you identify which pin is which for the 3x2 header.
When you open up the header box (The translucent blue thing with the lights and stuff) and you take off the cable, you will see one of the pins has a 1 next to it.
Looking at it with the USB part facing upwards and the ISP part facing downwards, you should see this:
 : : :
That is pin one. So that means:
2 4 6
 : : :
1 3 5
2 4 6
 : : :
1 3 5

understand so far?
Now that you have identified which pin is which on the ISP Cable, you can start to solder all the connections

This image shows the 3x2 header instead of the 5x2 header. I color coordinated everything so you should be able to follow it pretty easily. Just remember, if you rotate the direction of the 3x2 header, you must make sure pin 1 on the cable still lines up with pin 1 on the header.

Hope this helped! If not, post :)


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