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segway style robots

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I'm working on it right now, in the sense that I'm searching for available parts and making plans.

I'm looking at an idea that I got from an article about JeanPaul Jenack who had his world record for riding the smalliest unicycle disqualified because of it's unconventional design.  The tire is a drive belt, so it's more like a tread than a tire.

I've also been working out the concept for the arms.  I think that I can use the arms in two ways.  One, as the counter weight for rotation around the vertical axis and, two, as two legs of a tripod when the robot is at rest.  It should be able to start and stop from the tripod position.  As I'm typing this, I'm remembering that R2D2's two legs and base formed a tripod.  It's the same idea.

robot unicycle:

the description i could find:
"a LEGO unicycle using one drive wheel and three other wheels moving in the air to maintain the robots balance.

Similar to two wheeled LEGO/Segway designs, the robot uses optical sensors for balance. However, since this is a unicycle, it required two additional optical sensors plus a center of gravity (COG) mechanism to adjust for tilt along the second axis."

interesting.  I hadn't thought of that way of doing it.

another segway bot (has video, too)

it uses a single sharp IR rangefinder for balance

he also includes ATMega32 code for it here:


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