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Software => Software => Topic started by: HSG on June 17, 2012, 11:07:09 AM

Title: $50 robot: Everything look good, but PD4 wont go low/ LED is not lightning
Post by: HSG on June 17, 2012, 11:07:09 AM
Hi there, Experts!

I have decided to make the $50 robot, and started by laying out the electronics on a breadboard (not connecting servos and photoresistors), and downloading , building and uploading the photovore /$50 robot code supplied by admin.

I use atmega8 uC, AVR ISP mk2 programmer,  and AVR studio 5.1

There are no error messages when I build the code, or when I program the atMega8 uC (memories -> Program)

However, the LED does not come on as PD4 port does not go low. :(

If anyone has any ideas about how I can troubleshoot this, it would be highly, highly appreciated!


Title: Re: $50 robot: Everything look good, but PD4 wont go low/ LED is not lightning
Post by: Webbot on June 17, 2012, 05:15:29 PM
Have you written software to tell it to go low - as nothing else will.
Title: Re: $50 robot: Everything look good, but PD4 wont go low/ LED is not lightning
Post by: HSG on June 21, 2012, 03:10:08 AM
Hi Webbot!

Thanks for the reply.

I am using the photovore code, and I have tried to uncomment both the LED_on() and LED_off() calls.
From SoR_Utils.h, it seems like LED_on(), should do the trick by making PD4 go low.

Is there something fundamentally I haven't understood? :S

Title: Re: $50 robot: Everything look good, but PD4 wont go low/ LED is not lightning
Post by: adanvasco on June 21, 2012, 11:08:27 PM
I think that when I made the $50 robot, I had to chance the code a bit for the LED to work. Check this post: (
Title: Re: $50 robot: Everything look good, but PD4 wont go low/ LED is not lightning
Post by: HSG on June 22, 2012, 08:36:08 AM
Hi Advanvasco!

Thanks for your reply.

Changing from LED_off() to LED_on()  (by commenting/uncommenting) was actually one of the first things I tried.

Or is it more to the changes you did than this?

Title: Re: $50 robot: Everything look good, but PD4 wont go low/ LED is not lightning
Post by: adanvasco on June 22, 2012, 01:00:29 PM
Can you post your source code? Both you .c file (Photovore_v1.c I think) and SoR_Utils.h.

I understand that you have checked the voltage on the pin with a voltmeter of some sort.
Title: Re: $50 robot: Everything look good, but PD4 wont go low/ LED is not lightning
Post by: Webbot on June 23, 2012, 09:00:07 AM
The other common cause is that folk have soldered the LED the wrong way around so it will never light.

At your own risk:

Take the mcu out of the socket to prevent damage and remove any power supply from the board

Take a battery 4v to 9v say .... and connect the leads from the battery:


since the $50 robot has nothing else connected to these pins then its safe to try the battery leads the other way ie

If neither combination works then you have either soldered the LED in the wrong way around or the LED is dead.

Title: Re: $50 robot: Everything look good, but PD4 wont go low/ LED is not lightning
Post by: HSG on July 12, 2012, 06:08:18 AM
Hi Adanvasco!

Yes, I measured the voltage between the PD4 and GND using a multimeter, and its 4.9V.

The code is found below - its essentially unmodified from the original, except for the LED_off being changed to LED_on()



//SoR Include
#include "SoR_Utils.h" //includes all the technical stuff

int main(void)
   //declare variables here
   //int i=250;//a 'whatever' variable
   int sensor_left=0;//left photoresistor
   int sensor_right=0;//right photoresistor
   int threshold=8;//the larger this number, the more likely your robot will drive straight
   configure_ports(); // configure which ports are analog, digital, etc.
   a2dInit(); // initialize analog to digital converter (ADC)
   a2dSetPrescaler(ADC_PRESCALE_DIV32); // configure ADC scaling
   a2dSetReference(ADC_REFERENCE_AVCC); // configure ADC reference voltage

   /*********ADD YOUR CODE BELOW THIS LINE **********/
   LED_on();//turn LED on

      //store sensor data

      //detects more light on left side of robot
      if(sensor_left > sensor_right && (sensor_left - sensor_right) > threshold)
         {//go left

      //detects more light on right side of robot
      else if(sensor_right > sensor_left && (sensor_right - sensor_left) > threshold)
         {//go right

      //light is about equal on both sides
         {//go straight

      /* Servo Test Code


      //rprintf("Initialization Complete\r\n");
      //output message to serial (use hyperterminal)
      //print("Hello, World! Read My Analog: %u\r\n", sensor_0);

      delay_cycles(500);//a small delay to prevent crazy oscillations
   /*********ADD YOUR CODE ABOVE THIS LINE **********/

   return 0;

Sor_utils :

//AVR includes
#include <avr/io.h>          // include I/O definitions (port names, pin names, etc)
#include <avr/interrupt.h>   // include interrupt support

//AVRlib includes
#include "global.h"      // include global settings
//#include "buffer.h"      // include buffer function library
//#include "uart.h"      // include uart function library
//#include "rprintf.h"   // include printf function library
//#include "timer.h"      // include timer function library (timing, PWM, etc)
#include "a2d.h"      // include A/D converter function library

//define port functions; example: PORT_ON( PORTD, 6);
#define PORT_ON( port_letter, number )         port_letter |= (1<<number)
#define PORT_OFF( port_letter, number )         port_letter &= ~(1<<number)
#define PORT_ALL_ON( port_letter, number )      port_letter |= (number)
#define PORT_ALL_OFF( port_letter, number )      port_letter &= ~(number)
#define FLIP_PORT( port_letter, number )      port_letter ^= (1<<number)
#define PORT_IS_ON( port_letter, number )      ( port_letter & (1<<number) )
#define PORT_IS_OFF( port_letter, number )      !( port_letter & (1<<number) )

//************CONFIGURE PORTS************
//configure ports for input or output - specific to ATmega8
void configure_ports(void)
   DDRC = 0x00;  //configure all C ports for input
   PORTC = 0x00; //make sure pull-up resistors are turned off
   DDRD = 0xFF;  //configure all D ports for output
   DDRB = 0xC7;  //configure B ports 0, 1, 2, 6, 7 for output (google search '0b11000111 to hex')

//************DELAY FUNCTIONS************
//wait for X amount of cycles (23 cycles is about .992 milliseconds)
//to calculate: 23/.992*(time in milliseconds) = number of cycles
void delay_cycles(unsigned long int cycles)
   while(cycles > 0)

//*********SIMPLIFIED FUNCTIONS**********
//functions to make coding easier for a beginner
//but could cause port mixup confusion for intermediate users
void LED_on(void)
   PORT_OFF(PORTD, 4);//turn LED on
void LED_off(void)
   PORT_ON(PORTD, 4);//turn LED off
void servo_left(signed long int speed)
   PORT_OFF(PORTD, 0);//keep off
void servo_right(signed long int speed)
   PORT_OFF(PORTD, 1);//keep off
Title: Re: $50 robot: Everything look good, but PD4 wont go low/ LED is not lightning
Post by: HSG on July 12, 2012, 06:10:18 AM
Hi Webbot!

Thanks for your suggestion

I am prototyping using a breadboard, and I have independently verified that the LED works and that the orientation is right..
