Electronics > Electronics

R/C control help

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ok ok . . . remember how in fighting video games, like mortal combat or streetfighter, if you push a combination of buttons you can do crazy moves? this is how they used a limited number of buttons for unlimited actions.

basically you hook up your reciever to a microcontroller, and the microcontroller processes the buttons according to your program, then outputs a set of actions in that manner.

if i was to make a remote controlled biped, i would use that method . . .

up up down left down up! take that!

you could also do something similar with hardwired electronics.

and lastly, one channel can control multiple servos at the same time, if you dont mind each doing the exact same action . . . just have them share the same signal line . . .

ok, so i when i was junger i was interested in microcontrolers. i think i know you have to have some programator whitc you hook up to you pc then u insert the microcontroler in the programator and program it whit qbasic, isnt that right? and when you program it you yust hook it up whit your robot and it does the action

microcontroller tutorial

The language, and whether you need a programmer or not, is dependent on the controller. But yea, thats about right.

i thank you for your help and time, and btw you have a really nice website whit many tutorials, excelent for beginner but also for profi's


after more researching i found out that i need(or can) have servo motors. i asked a man who understeands robots and all that stuff, and he sayed that i would need to have servomotors and microswitchers. so when i would press up the servo would rotate and turon on/off the micro switch and the motor would/wouldnt get power and would/wouldnt spin. so im asking, can i connect the motor directly to the reciever? or do i need servo motors and microswhitchers? or is this servo and mikroswitcher thing just like the microcontroler thing, so you mix a combination of buttons?

the servo/switcher thing http://www.borberobota.com/galerija/sezona3/057.jpg


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