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larger motors


if you use motors such as the ones in an electric wheel chair do the circuits in your controller need to be bigger to handle the increased power usage?

yeh. The bigger motors require more watts of power. And therefore you need to get transistors that can handle the larger voltage and currents. These can get very hot and so you need heat sinks to cool them.

The circuit doesnt need to be much more complicated i dont think, but the circuit will get bigger in the way that the tracks on a PCB will need to be thicker for the current, more heatsinks and the the high current components are bigger.

The circuit may get more complicated when needing to isolate the huge power supply from the on board electronics like microcontrollers and such.

No... The hardware just tells a device to let power pass or not pass to the motor. The power doesn't directly come through the hardware and to the motor.

Other wise it would be like attaching a hose through yourself to water the lawn... In one side and out the other!

yeah the hardware is turning the relay/h-bridge/whatever on and off. so you'll have to make sure the previosly mentioned items can handle the power

I seccond ed1380


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