Electronics > Electronics

Build a circuit that shows the current. Any suggestions?

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Yes but how do I build a simple volt meter, that looks nice and is simple to build?
It should be possible to read it while the robot is moving.

What does your robot need the current info for?

polar bear6:
i dont know if this will help but its a little cool thingy thats called 1381, it turns on when it detects a certain Voltage. you can get them in diffren "flavors" so they turn on at diffrent Voltage. you can get them at www.solarbotics.com at the IC section, they are at the top.

The current is for two motors. The absolute maximum current that is ever going to be needed is 1,7mA. That is a theoretical maximum when both motors start at the exact same time.
I am probably going to use MAX472 and build a similar thing as on the link that you linked to earlier. I have that pretty much covered now.

The problem right now is that I don't know how I am going to show the current, or actually voltage, after it has passed the MAX472.
It needs to be with an accurace of 10mA. Would be nice to have it numerical.
What I need to do now is to calculate what voltages I will get out from the MAX472. Then I need to build a simple voltmeter that is accurate enough, and easy to build.

I meant, what is the current data used for? What does your robot do with this current information? Is it to limit maximum current perhaps?

And when you say 1.7mA, do you mean 1.7A? As for an accuracy of 10mA, that wont happen. The noise generated from motors is usually at least 10mA. You could put a like a 10uF cap across the leads of your motors to reduce noise though . . .


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