Electronics > Electronics

Put Put robot help


I'm thinking about building a robot that can play put put golf. But I don't know what to use to let it see the ball and the hole. I'm on a budget and relatively new to robotics. Any ideas????????

you mean Putt Putt golf?

And why would you like to build it? Would this be your first robot if you did build it?

Yes I do mean put put golf. I would like to build it, this is the second robot .

Steve Joblin:
seems like a pretty big undertaking... I would suggest taking "baby steps"... how about building a robot that can consistently swing a club at a ball at a fixed location and sent it 1 meter straight forward so it lands in a cup.  Then the next step would be to incorporate some type of sensor that can determine how far the cup is from the robot and adjust the force of the swing accordingly.  Then the next step would be to make the robot mobile and have it seek out the ball and position itself appropriately so it is lined up with the cup.

Thanks Steve, That what I was thinking starts simple then get complex.


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