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Robot Mapping and Navigation
For reasons I will explain later, this robot navigation method is called the wavefront algorithm. There are four main steps to running this algorithm.
Step 1: Create a Discretized Map
For example, this is a pic of my kitchen. Normally there isn't a cereal box on the floor like that, so I put it there as an example of an obstacle:
Using data from the robot sensor scan, I then lay a basic grid over it:
This is what it looks like with all the clutter removed.
I then declare the borders (red) impassable, as well as enclose any areas
with objects as also impassable (also blocked off by red).
Objects, whether big or small, will be treated as the entire size of one grid unit.
You may either hardcore the borders and objects into your code, or your robot
can add the objects and borders as it detects them with a sensor.
What you get is an X-Y grid matrix, with R representing where the robot is located:
But of course this is not what it really looks like in robot memory. Instead, it looks much more like this matrix below. All I did was flatten out the map, and stored it as a matrix in my code. Use 0 to represent impassable and 1 to represent the robot (marked as R on the image).
Note: In my source code I used the below values. My examples here are just simplifications
so that you can more easily understand the wavefront algorithm.
// WaveFront Variables int nothing=0; int wall=255; int goal=1; int robot=254;
An example of a map matrix in C looks something like this:
//X is horizontal, Y is vertical int map[6][6]= {{0,0,0,0,0,0}, {0,0,0,0,0,0}, {0,0,0,0,0,0}, {0,0,0,0,0,0}, {0,0,0,0,0,0}, {0,0,0,0,0,0}};
Step 2: Add in Goal and Robot Locations
In my source code I call this function:
robot_x and robot_y marks the robots' coordinates, and goal_x and goal_y is of course the goal location.
Step 3: Fill in Wavefront
Pseudocode: check node A at [0][0] now look north, south, east, and west of this node (boundary nodes) if (boundary node is a wall) ignore this node, go to next node B else if (boundary node is robot location && has a number in it) path found! find the boundary node with the smallest number return that direction to robot controller robot moves to that new node else if (boundary node has a goal) mark node A with the number 3 else if (boundary node is marked with a number) find the boundary node with the smallest number mark node A with (smallest number + 1) if (no path found) go to next node B at [0][1] (sort through entire matrix in order) if (no path still found after full scan) go to node A at [0][0] (start over, but do not clear map) (sort through entire matrix in order) repeat until path found if (no path still found && matrix is full) this means there is no solution clear entire matrix of obstacles and start over this accounts for moving objects! adaptivity! Here is a graphic example. The goal and robot locations are already marked on the map. Now going through the matrix one node at a time, I've already scanned through the first 2 columns (X). On column 3, I scanned about halfway down until I reached the 5th node. Checking bordering nodes it is next to the Goal. So I mark this node with a 3 as shown.
Continuing on the 3rd column, I keep going down node by node. I check for bordering nodes, and add +1 to the target node. As you can see, the rest of the column gets filled in. Notice the 'wave' action, yet? This is why it's called a wavefront. It has also been called the Brushfire algorithm because it spreads like a brushfire . . .
Now go to the 4th column and start checking each node. When you get to the 4th row, your target node borders the goal. Mark it with a 3. Then keep scanning down. Ignore the goal, and ignore walls. On the 9th row, you will notice the target node borders the number 7 on the left. Its the lowest value bordering node, so 7 + 1 = 8. Mark this target node as 8.
Then going to the 10th row you notice the target node is the robot location. If the robot location borders a filled in number (in this case, the number 8) then the algorithm is finished. A full path has been found!
Step 4: Direct Robot to Count Down
Then have your robot go to box 7, then box 6, then 5, and so on. Your robot will drive straight to the goal as so.
Adaptive Mapping
1) have your robot scan after each move it makes
If no solution is found at all, delete obstacles from your map until a solution is found. In my source code, the robot deletes all obstacles when no solution is found - not always desirable, but it works.
Enjoy! Notice that its an unedited video:
Yes, I do realize I have a lot of cereal boxes . . . I actually have more . . . I like cereal =)
And what you have been really waiting for, the WaveFront Source Code:
Recursive WaveFront
This is an animation of the recursive wavefront process:
I won't go in to detail on this, but it's obviously a 'wavefront'!
Wavefront Simulation
Instead, it is much easier to do this with simulation. You write the program, compile, then run it locally. You get an instant output of results to view. The disadvantage to simulation is that it's really hard to simulate the environment as well as get the robot physics perfect, but for most applications simulation is best to work out all the big bugs in the algorithm. This is a simulation I did showing a robot doing a wavefront, moving to the next location, then doing another wavefront update. For a robot (R) moving through terrain with moving objects (W), the robot must recalculate the wavefront after each move towards the goal (G). I didn't implement the adaptive mapping in simulation, just the wavefront and robot movement.
If you want to see the entire simulation, check out the simulation results.txt You can download a copy of my wavefront simulation software and source. I compiled the software using Bloodshed Dev-C++. If you want, you may also try a different C language compiler. You can also find wavefront code in BASIC and wavefront in Python posted on the forum. |
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