
What robot tutorial would you like to see next?

Stepper Motors
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Tactile Sensing
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Author Topic: want a new robot tutorial?  (Read 345528 times)

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Offline Gopher

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Re: want a new robot tutorial?
« Reply #60 on: October 03, 2006, 03:24:31 PM »
I don't have any particular requests; I haven't even begun to scratch the surface of what's already available here myself!

I just wanted to comment, the highly modular nature of the tutorials here is what makes the site so useful. The same information could be presented in the form of a dozen different step-by-step whole-robot tutorials, but it would be far less accessible, and much harder to learn from or improvise around.

Also, I think you misunderstood what JesseWelling meant by "reactive vs. sense-plan-act"  In the literal sense, sense-plan-act robots are of course reactive. I think by reactive systems, he meant unmediated reaction, what I would call reflexive action. Hard-wiring a bot to back up when it detects a ledge with a tactile sensor, for example, rather than waiting for the program cycle to respond to the interrupt. Not certain that it's an important point for novices to understand, though; probably better for them to learn their way around a simple microcontroller first.

Offline AdminTopic starter

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Re: want a new robot tutorial?
« Reply #61 on: October 14, 2006, 07:18:17 PM »
Ok I wrote up a new tutorial that covers several requests that have been made:

Omni-wheel Robot Tutorial

Holonomic vs Non-Holonomic Tutorial

Step-by-Step Construction (Ill do this more from now on)


Offline Arislan

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Re: want a new robot tutorial?
« Reply #62 on: October 21, 2006, 06:21:49 AM »
Okay here is my very specific tutorial request:

How to make a custom servo from a DC motor, step or otherwise. It would be a very helpful tutorial for us poor folks who live in totally destitute areas of the world. I for one  am living in Brazil, where nothing new can be bought and used technological stuff costs more than new technological stuff in America.

With a step-by-step tutorial it would be easy to convert found dc motors into usable servos. There is a very general document here: http://homepages.which.net/~paul.hills/Circuits/PowerServo/PowerServo.html
it talks about what it would take to build one, but isn't as specific as I'd need it to be.
So whaddaya think, sirs?

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Re: want a new robot tutorial?
« Reply #63 on: October 21, 2006, 07:34:44 AM »
Hmmm I can see this as a useful tutorial actually.

But that link you sent me says just about everything you need to know . . .

It even has schematics and theory . . .

I dont do step-by-step tutorials though because it is going to be different with different motors, different components, different goals, etc. That means different voltage, current, speed, torque, total angle travel, etc differences . . . The microcontroller I would use, that I have in my room, you wouldnt even be able to obtain (no longer sold).

If I were to do it, I would use a microcontroller as the electronics. This way I can reprogram to tweak it, and then mass manufacture many circuits quickly for all the robot limbs of your biped.

Here is how:

1) Follow the mechanical schematic
2) PWM command through single D/O from main microcontroller (the vehicle controller)
3) 2ndary microcontroller near motor compares desired signal command to actual ADC read pot value (representing angle)
4) 2ndary microcontroller commands motor through programmed control law with a motor driver

And thats it!

You might be able to hack the electronics of a hobby servo too and use for a bigger motor, but that might be more trouble than its worth . . .

Offline Arislan

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Re: want a new robot tutorial?
« Reply #64 on: October 28, 2006, 12:42:16 AM »
That's it? That's the tutorial? lol...

Offline AdminTopic starter

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Re: want a new robot tutorial?
« Reply #65 on: October 28, 2006, 03:33:04 PM »
lol, well if you want the whole thing written in high detail, step by step, and all designed for you, buy a kit!  :P
that link says exactly how to do it, i really cant say anymore . . .

encoder kit by acroname:
its designed to fit onto a modified servo, but you can also put it on any dc motor

i think ill try and get a poll thing up in the next few days so people can vote for the next tutorial.

Offline Arislan

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Re: want a new robot tutorial?
« Reply #66 on: October 28, 2006, 04:06:27 PM »
You know, here is my little tutorial regarding funding.

Make a web page with detailed information about your project. Add photos etc...and add a "Donate" button that leads the visitors to give you money through Paypal. ;-)

Hopefully some people will donate a dollar here or there. I am thinking of trying just that...problem would be getting folks to see the site.

Offline AdminTopic starter

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Re: want a new robot tutorial?
« Reply #67 on: October 28, 2006, 04:31:04 PM »
I put a new poll up for people to vote for the next tutorial I will write.

Just scroll up to the top of this page, and select what you want.

I will probably delete all votes to a poll after ever 4 tutorials I write, so new tutorial ideas get a fair chance. Basically that means revote once every 2 months or so . . . Oh and votes can be changed whenever you want.

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Re: want a new robot tutorial?
« Reply #68 on: November 07, 2006, 09:36:03 PM »
The people have spoken.

Robot arms got the maximum votes, so that is what you get.

Robot Arm Tutorial

A robot end effectors tutorial will be written in the future . . .

For those who voted for robot arm, you now have one new vote for the next tutorial.

Offline merronvigian

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Re: want a new robot tutorial?
« Reply #69 on: November 08, 2006, 07:27:26 AM »
i would like you to record a video one how to do your first robot (same as the tutorial you have), as for guys like me, coecting the parts and also doing the programming work is quiet hard, as i am a totally beginner.

thank you very much

Offline Stoic0209

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Re: want a new robot tutorial?
« Reply #70 on: November 13, 2006, 07:00:09 PM »
I'd like to see a tutorial on CAD robotic designing, like certain issues that I need to be aware of when designing a robot.

Offline JesseWelling

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Re: want a new robot tutorial?
« Reply #71 on: November 13, 2006, 08:23:10 PM »
To Merronvigian:

Check out these:
While not specific to robots they can help you get a feel for the process of ideas->hardware->programing

Offline vahed

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Re: want a new robot tutorial?
« Reply #72 on: November 20, 2006, 01:25:31 PM »
A new tutorial on building a balancing robot like the segway that can transport a human would be really really helpful.  The power electronics and balancing are my major problems.  Also implementing the PID control loop.  I have built robots previously (Line Follower, Bluetooth controlled car)but none on this scale, any help will be much appreciated (I have seen Trevor Blackwells site) P.S Only hardware I have are two HUB motors 24V

Offline AdminTopic starter

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Re: want a new robot tutorial?
« Reply #73 on: November 20, 2006, 06:40:38 PM »
New official decision. Whenever a tutorial is requested, I will add it to the vote list. (I just added your segway request, vahed)

This will unfortunately have the effect that it will take an undeterminable amount of time before you will see your requested tutorial, depending on popularity of your idea . . . Also, note that I shy away from writing about things I have never done before . . .

If you are worried about this, post your request, but also you can post more specific questions in the rest of the forum to help you get started with your project.


Offline JesseWelling

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Re: want a new robot tutorial?
« Reply #74 on: November 20, 2006, 07:46:14 PM »
What about op-amps and other kinds of analog tricks that might make those 2.5 and 3v analog outs work better.
For example how about using an op-amp and a capacitor on a Sharp Analog IR to get better measurments (maybe the whole 10 bits). This seems like a really simple thing (although I don't know the specifics) to get better results from your robot. ;)

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Re: want a new robot tutorial?
« Reply #75 on: November 20, 2006, 08:19:55 PM »
ummmm, huh?

Thinking about your question for awhile, I think what you meant was a tutorial on how to scale a sensor output for the full ADC 0V to 5V reading?

I do have a voltage amplifier tutorial that could help you . . .

As for adding the capacitor, I am assuming you meant for a buffered/averaged over time output? Its just a resistor/capacitor time constant circuit thingy . . . I was actually thinking earlier today to write up a tutorial on that - is that what you meant?

Offline JesseWelling

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Re: want a new robot tutorial?
« Reply #76 on: November 20, 2006, 09:53:15 PM »
yea they call those op-ams right? At least that's what all my EE friends say I need to get.  :-\
Didn't think to look at the schematics. Just looked in the beginner electronics section.
Thanks for the tip!

Offline onesandzeros

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Re: want a new robot tutorial?
« Reply #77 on: November 30, 2006, 03:23:41 AM »
iam disapointed
only 2 people want a Segway Tutorial so far? >:(

iam pro Segway Tutorial
Please hook us up with a 2 wheel balancing bot tut, it would be nice to have all the info one place.

Offline dunk

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Re: want a new robot tutorial?
« Reply #78 on: November 30, 2006, 05:16:00 AM »
now i get accused of being a little cynical from time to time but i'd imagine that most of the people who get their balancing bot project to balance are a little possessive about their source code.
most people fail.

seriously, getting a bot to balance using the same methods as a segway is a big undertaking.
if you need a tutorial then you should consider building an easier project.
if you are capable of writing a tutorial then you have probably allready considered ways to make money from it and so won't be posting it here.

search this forum for "balancing robot" or "segway" to read about some of the problems.

there are easier ways to get a bot to balance but they are not as versatile (or cool).
check this for an example:

(hoping he is wrong and someone will post a balancing bot tutorial.)
((and world peace. world peace would be good too.))

Offline onesandzeros

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Re: want a new robot tutorial?
« Reply #79 on: November 30, 2006, 05:43:37 AM »

code and parts and instructions

Offline dunk

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Re: want a new robot tutorial?
« Reply #80 on: November 30, 2006, 06:01:31 AM »
code and parts and instructions
sort of.
they are not building their own system though.
when it comes to what makes the bot balance they are using a product from this company:

i was interpreting your request as a desire to be able to understand and build the bot from scratch.
if you want a pre made solution there are a few other pre built controller boards out there.
an example:

have fun!


Offline merronvigian

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Re: want a new robot tutorial?
« Reply #81 on: December 08, 2006, 11:14:00 AM »
as you can understand visual contact is no1 thing in a amateur to build a robot, so if you could it would be nice to record a video for "creating your first robot" tutorial, and so on

many of your tutorials are difficult to be understood by starters like me, and many errors are being occured, so let's do a video-tutorial


thank you

Offline AdminTopic starter

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Re: want a new robot tutorial?
« Reply #82 on: December 08, 2006, 08:42:27 PM »
many of your tutorials are difficult to be understood
Ok, I created a post to help improve my tutorials:
Just let me know where you have trouble at and Ill work on it.

so let's do a video-tutorial
Ive actually seriously considered this. I spent 4 hours trying to write up a script for my intro page, too. But after writing the script up, I realized it would be a HUGE undertaking and that it wouldnt do much more than repeat my written tutorials. In the end I gave up because I didnt have a good video recorder . . .

Back in college I had a prof that would start EVERY lecture with a video of a robot. It really made learning more fun, even if I didnt learn anything from the video  :P
So I want to do the same . . .

Last summer I started adding video to many of my new tutorials and am slowly getting better at it. I will keep up this trend of putting a supplementary video in most of my tutorials. If there is a particular tutorial that you think would be much more useful with a video, let me know!

Offline JesseWelling

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Re: want a new robot tutorial?
« Reply #83 on: December 09, 2006, 03:15:08 AM »
I think it's about time people got a little more general information on Real Time Operating Systems.
You wouldn't believe how usefull they are. I could help since I'm graduating soon and going to be
looking for a job (IE waiting for interview opportunities) Also if you know any one who's looking for
and embedded programer or linux programer let me know ;)

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Re: want a new robot tutorial?
« Reply #84 on: January 07, 2007, 06:36:46 PM »

1a) With twice the votes as any other tutorial recieved, I now bring you the Computer Vision Tutorial Series. Its a four-parter that took me I believe two months to complete (and way more hours than I can count). For those who have read the first parts already posted, know that I updated part 2 with my source code, and part 3 with stereo vision - definitely worth looking at.

1b) If you voted for computer vision, you now how a new vote for the next tutorial to make. I also increased the total allowed votes per person to 4.

2) Ive been working hard on improving the look, interface, and organization of the entire site - and more will come.

3) Ive added an RSS feed for those who want to be notified of new tutorials.

4) For those with mobile phone internet, SoR is now fully accessible and compatible with mobile phones - including the forum and the rss feed. Now, when you are at Radioshack, Homedepot, or just dumpster diving, you have a reference for parts in your pocket  :P

Offline 691175002

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Re: want a new robot tutorial?
« Reply #85 on: January 08, 2007, 08:17:25 PM »
I am very interested on the programming side of things, none of the categories really represent AI, obstacle avoidance, pathfinding etc.

Tutorials of any kind are great but whats so popular about color sensors?  All they seem to be is color to voltage or color to frequency, whats so complicated about that?

I can imagine tonnes of uses for a compass in terms of almost any kind of robot, if you want it to go straight it needs to know where its going.
« Last Edit: January 08, 2007, 08:18:42 PM by 691175002 »

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Re: want a new robot tutorial?
« Reply #86 on: January 08, 2007, 08:51:09 PM »
Ok I added pathfinding to the votes. Obstacle avoidance will be included with pathfinding - I have already done some of that with my other sensor tutorials.

But I wont cover AI, as its too speculative and still unsolved . . . check the robot books section if you want more on AI info.

I can imagine tonnes of uses for a compass in terms of almost any kind of robot, if you want it to go straight it needs to know where its going.
I actually have a digital compass that Ive just never used (or needed). They dont work indoors or around any metallic objects very well, so thats why. If it wins the vote, Ill make a robot with the compass, and Ill write about it  :P

Tutorials of any kind are great but whats so popular about color sensors?
Im actually surprised that it got lotsa votes, too. I put that up because it seemed like something fun and easy to write about, and I dont think most people understand how they really work. But I dont just mean visible color like green or red - I would cover IR, sensor range, beam angle, light transparency and absorbancy of materials, methods of reducing noise (such as modulation), etc.
« Last Edit: January 08, 2007, 08:53:24 PM by Admin »

Offline nikhil

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Re: want a new robot tutorial?
« Reply #87 on: January 10, 2007, 08:29:22 AM »
hi image processing tutorials are great help in understanding, thank you for that   :)

can you please give the understanding of how to formulate the motion  of mechanical parts into mathematical/mechanical equations, like for robotic arm, gate sequence of hexapod sort of system

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Re: want a new robot tutorial?
« Reply #88 on: January 10, 2007, 06:26:05 PM »
robot arms here:  ;D

other mechanics stuff:

Ive added gait programming to the votes . . . but might be best to wait till I finish my biped so Im not just makin stuff up :P

Offline cobraz

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Re: want a new robot tutorial?
« Reply #89 on: January 14, 2007, 12:27:09 AM »
I just came across this site,and found it great-Excellent tutorials & informative discussions.I am a beginner in robotics and any Tutorial is of great help.
Thanks for the excellent work. :) :)

