Author Topic: IrDA transceiver MCP2155  (Read 6945 times)

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IrDA transceiver MCP2155
« on: May 22, 2021, 07:12:11 PM »
Hello, recently I bought IRDA proto board which has MCP2155. I tried communicating between two microcontrollers (raspberry and stm32) via Irda. After properly connecting the pins specified in the datasheet, I tried to connect by simply checking the status of the DSR, DTR, CTS, RTS pins. But the DSR pin never went to the 1 (high) state. In the MCP2155 datasheet, it is stated that the device works only as a secondary device. What I understood from this sentence was that 2 mcp2155 could not initiate communication between them mutually. But it was run without such an obligation in the video on the forum. I guess mcp2120 is used in the video but I'm not sure?

Do you have any ideas?, thank you for your help.

Best regards.

Following are some images of my IrDA compatible transmitter. The first image is my schematic using the MCP2120 IC:

