It was funny to see them fall down, even the CHIMP fell down. Still that is pretty
good for the robot, as the way of technology today.
Why don't we have an Axon challenge to build a robot to enter into the
DARPA contest! It could be an open source robot, that every one in this forum could
participate. Admin could set up the system expectations, and people in the forum could
build that particular interface for the robot. Would'nt it be cool to try to make a robot in the
forum to compete? The official participants would have to meet and complete the robot
in a specific place, debug it, then get ready for the actual competition.
The easiest way, (and cheapest) , is to make a model at home, then try that. The AVR studio
has simulators in the program, and, I wonder, could several simulations be running together
to make a whole robotic system? the PC would have to powerfull, and maybe have other
boards for higher processing power.
Just a thought.