Squirrels have fuzzy tails.
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He looked kinda freaky that last part of 16 :/
He actually has plans of buying an island and only allowing specific "cool" people on it to live with him and create our own society lol. He said I have a spot on that island if I want it :-p totally do
my island:http://www.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=isle+of+islay&sll=53.800651,-4.064941&sspn=23.490425,43.374023&ie=UTF8&ll=55.916891,-6.100159&spn=0.692632,1.355438&t=h&z=10&g=isle+of+islay&iwloc=addr
Im actually in a video helping him work on a project that another friend of his, Ellen, was working on. Its not on his youtube page though, its on Ellens. We were working on the Sphere