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very nice, i like it. i don't suppose there would be anyway to get around the stopping to spin a servo unless you went to gear motors with encoders for spinning the wheels. You kind of have to rely on the position control offered by a servo right?
The rotation servos don't need to overcome much torque. Considered using high speed servos instead?
I like it though I fell they're should be a gripper or something on the end
i hope to see those cads become reality...
very nice, with the turning of the individual wheels sped up, it makes up for the fact that they have finite rotation. With the being fast, the robot having to pause for a second doesn't seem like that big of a deal.
another great adaptation/addition to your bot. Your new sytem of wall tracking will help heaps when it comes to the hard code
What i ment by hard code was the code that will eventually becoome the full control code of the robot