Author Topic: The MeccaNoid Android App. is frustrating to use and buggy  (Read 15656 times)

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Offline MeccaNoid MadnessTopic starter

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The MeccaNoid Android App. is frustrating to use and buggy
« on: February 04, 2016, 10:37:35 AM »
MeccaNoid does- The Hokey Pokey SONG

I did this with the Android App., it was frustrating to use and buggy. It took me about 25 tries to get it close to right, the ending is not correct, but funny. I changed the voice to +30% pitch to sound more like MeccaNoid.

The APP. was designed for a tablet (small text & buttons), but the MeccaNoid cradle is designed for a small phone. I bet they contracted out to have the APP. designed by another company. My phone will not fit in the cradle, it has a 5 inch screen. The logic of this decision does not make sense to me. They need the APP. to detect what it is installed on and scale the screen and buttons to that device.

the Android App. is frustrating because the buttons are too small on a phone and while you are trying to learn it, it says memory full and you have to erase your work and start over. The APP. needs a way to disable this, so you can learn the APP. It also needs a button for turn around slow (one foot motor) and turn around fast (two feet motors).

I think they are trying to use a layer style, meaning you do the hands movement, go to the start then do the head movement, go to the start then do the feet motor movement, , go to the start then do the voice, the problem is it does not sync up correctly. There is no help file to explain how to do this.

The App needs work, so they need to do a update soon. The robot has a lot of potential, I hope they put some hours into the APP. and open up the brain. I will not use the APP. until they come out with a new and better version. From what I've see from CES 2016, the APP. looks the same and they added a screen with (about 20) buttons for dance, kung-fu, joke, left, right, etc.

I would like too see a simple flow chart style programming APP. (like EZ-Builder Robot Control Software) with speech to text and if this then do that. Do you have any additional comments on how to use the APP. ?

Offline MeccaNoid MadnessTopic starter

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Re: The MeccaNoid Android App. is frustrating to use and buggy
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2016, 11:44:15 AM »
I just learned, Spinmaster has contracted with Google to re-write the App.. Spinmaster is just a toy maker, Google is a good software/hardware engineering Giant. Having Google re-write the App. may take some time but they will make something much better then what they have now. The MeccaNoid has a lot of potential, now that Google is re-write the App.

WOW - Imagine having the powerful capability of "Google Now" in the App. I am excited now, but is will take Google some time.

Imagine Asking Meccanoid, what is the weather NOW, what is the stock market NOW, what is traffic NOW, what is .......  NOW, and have the correct answers - Wow that is kool

« Last Edit: February 13, 2016, 08:57:25 AM by MeccaNoid Madness »