Florida is not a hotbed of robotics educational opportunity, but I graduated last year from UCF and there is some interest there, although no formal robotics program. Take a look at:
http://robotics.ucf.edu/home.php and contact the club members for a better look into programs there.
Florida Institute of Technology (FIT) is a private school and at first glance is horrifically expensive, but if you work the through the system I understand you can get scholarships and grants to cover the biggest part of your costs. Melbourne is a much more pleasant place to live, IMHO, and the beach is about 4 miles from the campus. You might want to look at this:
http://research.fit.edu/rassl/index.php and get in touch with someone at the school. Dr. Stephen Wood is in the Ocean Engineering department and is a very helpful sort.
University of Florida has:
http://old.eng.ufl.edu/research/centers/detail_centers.php?dept=CIMR . I have no personal knowledge of their programs, but as with most colleges, a phone call to the department usually gets you plenty of personal attention. Most schools are always in search of motivated students.
Good luck and remember that the harder you work and the more involved with the department you are while a student, the more you get out of it, both in education and contacts for eventual employment.