Author Topic: Non standard H-Bridge?  (Read 15828 times)

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Offline deepakprabakarTopic starter

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Non standard H-Bridge?
« on: June 03, 2018, 08:13:00 AM »
I m an noobie at robotics. I just started out by buying a bunch of components I might need for building a line mover bot. I have attached images of the hbridge that I bought. I am unable to figure out how to use it because it does not match with any of the standard hbridges that I see online. Leads me to wonder if I have been duped. Any help in figuring out the connections or any urls that might be useful in figuring this out will be much appreciated. Thanks a lot!
« Last Edit: June 03, 2018, 08:24:33 AM by deepakprabakar »

Offline rouncer

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Re: Non standard H-Bridge?
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2018, 10:24:29 PM »
It would take you a bit of time, but as long as you use a small enough power supply,  you wont blow a component by accident and you can check for conductance.

From the look of it,  id say those 4 big metal bits out the edges would connect to the motor.   But those transistors look pretty small, they wouldnt take much current.

From the look of those resistors and transistors its look pretty low watt,  which doesnt make sense to me, cause a h-bridge should be high watt.
What do u think?

Offline rouncer

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Re: Non standard H-Bridge?
« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2018, 12:32:34 PM »
Im back,   you should draw a simpler schematic of it, and see if you can nut it out,   hbridges are pretty simple,   this looks fancy,  its only 2 transistors and 1 diode!   nice 1.