Author Topic: Kickstarter Campaing: Formula Allcode  (Read 3966 times)

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Kickstarter Campaing: Formula Allcode
« on: August 11, 2015, 06:58:35 AM »
This morning, Matrix TSL launched their first Kickstarter campaign. The robot can be used with hosts including Windows, MAC, Raspberry Pi, Android and iPhone and a number of examples can be seen in our headline video and on our website at

A low cost robot buggy, the AllCode is great for makers to test their skills and capabilities using an interesting and diverse platform or for introducing younger school children to programming and robotics in a fun and motivating way with huge scope for further work and competitions.

The video below explains more about the vision for Formula AllCode and provides some examples of what the robot itself can achieve when used with Raspberry Pi, Android, Flowcode etc.

Click here to back the Kickstarter campaign for the Formula AllCode today:

Offline mklrobo

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Re: Kickstarter Campaing: Formula Allcode
« Reply #1 on: August 11, 2015, 08:33:19 AM »
 ;D Hello!
I love the concept, and the buggy. I looked over the platform, and the 16 bit processor is
sealed. The platform does have a slot for SD card. The Formula Allcode is truly open to
control form other sources.
However, I could make a platform like this with my Raspberry Pi and Axon already, with more expandability.
Your main strength is  awesome support, plenty of code, lots of learning material, and great electronic
diagnostic support. The "trick" is to give as much programming support, as possible. If people can not program it,
it is a daunting task for people to truly make it their robot. I hope your project rules!!   8)