Software > Software

Anyone tried Windows 7 for robots?

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Well, not quite. Windows XP will run on a Pentium 233Mhz  ;) Remember how old it is and what kind of hardware was available at the time. I was still playing the original Quake online when it came out!

Windows 7 has comparable if not marginally better system requirements than Vista. Vista's recommended requirements might as well be its minimum. Ever try doing anything with Vista on a near-spec machine? Ugggghhhhh.... gives me chills. I have been running Windows 7 for a few weeks now because it's been available to my college via the MSDNAA. My main find is that it is far less resource intensive. Good stuff! Haven't done any robotics work on that machine. To be honest it hadn't occurred to me for some reason. That will change though! Just for reference though:

Windows 7 System Requirements:

Windows Vista System Requirements:

Windows XP System Requirements:

Students can get Windows 7 for $29.99 if not through MSDN.

Anybody tried AVR Studio and other AVR software on it?

I would wait a while until switching. Since new OS's usually have lots of bugs that make you go in circles. Wait until it gets more stable.

One of my mates has been running windows 7 ultimate for a few weeks and he has said he hasn't found any bugs, it runs like a dream (extremely fast) and its just down right better than vista and xp.


--- Quote from: offy on October 24, 2009, 05:32:33 PM ---I would wait a while until switching. Since new OS's usually have lots of bugs that make you go in circles. Wait until it gets more stable.

--- End quote ---

No need to wait. Windows 7 is essentially a tweaked Vista. Been running it for about 2 months at work and it's a fantastic OS.


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