Hi all,
I'm looking for help on a 1st build self balancing robot, something that seemed pretty easy but not. I'm retired so have plenty of time but no real robot skills, electrical & mechanical yes.
I have been trying to get it working for weeks now, I have a chassis with two Nema17 motors, 65mm wheels, it's 300mm high and the battery is at the top - a pretty standard style i think. I am using a Pi Pico as MCU with an MPU6050 IMU and two A4988 drives.
A friend on another group was building a game controller using the MPU6050 and has written a whole new driver for it that gives out filtered data - Kalman or Complimentary and it also does calibration etc. So i can get angle data OK I think.
I have tried my own codes and failed but also today tried another's code that was written specifically to show how easy it was - and it still failed for me.!
This tells me maybe the motors are no good or the MPU is a bad choice, he used a BNO055 IMU but these are currently expensive and/or hard to get.
The effect i get is that the bot will just jump about , even when static. Video -
https://youtu.be/nNxNHaKN5w0The code has a PID loop, makes little difference so far.
Is there maybe a recommended motor for these 'bots?
I am at a complete loss now as it seems nothing works, even code that is proven to work! It must be hardware???
Thanks for any help