Author Topic: New robotic toy coming out  (Read 13997 times)

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Offline mklroboTopic starter

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New robotic toy coming out
« on: June 18, 2021, 09:06:49 AM »
 Hello everybody!

     I have invented a new robotic toy, that everyone will enjoy, I hope!
It is a Raspberry pi 3 project. I will sell the plans for it, which includes instructional video, schematics, links to free software sites, how to install the freeware, and instrumentation of the robot.

The cost of the plans will be $20; about the same of a good python book you would buy, or the
cost of 2 favorite DVD movies. Once you have the plans, you can make as many as you want!
The estimated cost of the materials to build the robot is approx. $260. That included the cost of the raspberry pi 3, sensors, and mechanical components. To compare, some broken, not working parts for the HERO robot sell at $250 to $600 dollars, and you only get a broken robot. SAD!

I GURANTEE YOU that is nothing in the world on the market today, like the robot I am going to build!! I will release the web site link to download the plans, exclusively, here on Society of Robots!!!!!!

So, stay tuned, TRUE BELIEVERS! EXCELSIOR!!!!!

