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Guest 03:47:49 PM Viewing the topic LED cube 4*4.
Guest 03:47:45 PM Viewing the topic Forgot to center my servo's before modification....did I made a boo boo ?.
Guest 03:47:45 PM Viewing the board index of Society of Robots - Robot Forum.
Guest 03:47:29 PM Viewing the topic Serial Communication between PICs and Home-made Servos.
Guest 03:47:26 PM Viewing the topic computer vision translate real world object size to image pixel size.
Guest 03:47:26 PM Viewing the topic Evil Genius: Mechatronics. 1st project resistor.
Guest 03:47:06 PM Viewing the board Misc.
Guest 03:47:06 PM Viewing the topic make your own printed circut board.
Guest 03:47:06 PM Viewing the topic $50 Robot Problems.
Guest 03:47:02 PM Viewing the topic Did I break my BlueSMiRF Silver by soldering it bad?.
Guest 03:47:01 PM Viewing the topic Arduino and external power source.
Guest 03:47:00 PM Viewing the board index of Society of Robots - Robot Forum.
Guest 03:46:58 PM Viewing the topic avrdude: initialization failed, rc=-1.
Guest 03:46:58 PM Viewing the topic Dc motors problem.
Guest 03:46:53 PM Viewing the topic ATmega8+Crystal.
Guest 03:46:41 PM Viewing the topic modified $50 to include motorcontroller.
Guest 03:46:38 PM Viewing the topic Eagle schematic for the CMUcam2.
Guest 03:46:33 PM Viewing the topic First Circuit Schematic - please look over.
Guest 03:46:31 PM Printing the topic "Help with robotic exoskeleton for hand resistance".
Guest 03:46:26 PM Viewing the topic Question about arduino and Tx,Rx pins.
Guest 03:46:21 PM Viewing the topic LED in parellel or series?.
Guest 03:46:17 PM Viewing the topic $50 Dollar Robot PCB.
Guest 03:46:13 PM Viewing the topic soldermask.
Guest 03:46:12 PM Viewing the topic Basic servo components.
Guest 03:46:10 PM Viewing the topic AVR Microcontroller Wet?.
Guest 03:46:06 PM Viewing the topic Can i use this as a range finder?.
Guest 03:46:05 PM Viewing the topic I need a list of the cheapest parts for my first robot.
Guest 03:46:05 PM Viewing the topic avrdude: initialization failed, rc=-1.
Guest 03:45:47 PM Viewing the board Electronics.
Guest 03:45:35 PM Viewing the topic Super Fast Recoverz Rectifiers.
Guest 03:45:25 PM Viewing the topic BlueTooth : UART vs SPI in AtMega ?.
Guest 03:45:21 PM Viewing the topic Raspberry Pi based Autonomous robot doing SLAM .
Guest 03:45:16 PM Viewing the topic Mobility Platform + Hall Sensors on LPC21xx(ARM).
Guest 03:45:13 PM Viewing the topic Which Resister for Photosensor?.
Guest 03:45:10 PM Viewing the topic Sensing colour at a distance.
Guest 03:45:02 PM Viewing the board index of Society of Robots - Robot Forum.
Guest 03:44:54 PM Viewing the topic 4Sale: DC Gear Motors, Hubs, Brackets.
Guest 03:44:51 PM Printing the topic "Voyager2's Robot Fish".