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User Time Action
Guest 11:03:51 AM Viewing the topic Type of data transfer between Tx/Rx 433Mhz wireless Modules .
Guest 11:03:50 AM Viewing the topic Programming Help!.
Guest 11:03:49 AM Printing the topic "Axon VS Arduino Mega Which is better for beginner?".
Guest 11:03:49 AM Viewing the topic WinAVR and AVRlib errors.
Guest 11:03:49 AM Viewing the topic Motors lose control.
Guest 11:03:49 AM Viewing the topic $50 Robot Servos operate sparatically.
Guest 11:03:48 AM Viewing the topic Filtering Motor Noise.
Guest 11:03:47 AM Viewing the topic Controlling linear actuator from microcontroller.
Guest 11:03:47 AM Viewing the topic Datalogger for windspeed and rotor RPM.
Guest 11:03:46 AM Viewing the topic stereo vision questions.
Guest 11:03:46 AM Viewing the topic help please- i'm building a tennisball pitching robot??.
Guest 11:03:46 AM Viewing the topic Charge HiTec battery?.
Guest 11:03:46 AM Printing the topic "Battle Bots!".
Guest 11:03:45 AM Printing the topic "Chassis Help".
Guest 11:03:45 AM Viewing the topic Logic design question.
Guest 11:03:45 AM Viewing the topic Sharp IR Sensor 2D Scanning Help?.
Guest 11:03:45 AM Viewing the topic motor control written in c language with pic mcu advice.
Guest 11:03:44 AM Printing the topic "Recharge SLA battery without disconnecting from Robot?".
Guest 11:03:43 AM Viewing the topic Lectures on robotics electronics machine learning etc .
Guest 11:03:42 AM Viewing the topic Why can't I get more then 26.6kb/s out of Axon over USART - SOLVED.
Guest 11:03:42 AM Viewing the topic The C barrier .
Guest 11:03:41 AM Viewing the topic CMUcam Receiving Packets Issues.
Guest 11:03:40 AM Viewing the topic Control of Cordless drill 12V motor.
Guest 11:03:40 AM Printing the topic "Mosfets and H-bridge help".
Guest 11:03:38 AM Printing the topic "moving servos with PICs".
Guest 11:03:37 AM Viewing the topic VB source code for controlling RC car through parallel port.
Guest 11:03:35 AM Moderating the topic universal drive unit.
Guest 11:03:35 AM Printing the topic "PIC feedback ".
Guest 11:03:34 AM Viewing the topic gyro output.
Guest 11:03:33 AM Viewing the topic Axon in Space (seriously, I sent it to space).
Guest 11:03:33 AM Printing the topic "What do you think of my first robot platform?".
Guest 11:03:33 AM Printing the topic "solutions to downloading and installing Visual Basic".
Guest 11:03:32 AM Viewing the topic Need bend sensor assitance. 24"long to measure pulling weight..
Guest 11:03:32 AM Printing the topic "ADC PIC16F684".
Guest 11:03:31 AM Viewing the topic Static.
Guest 11:03:31 AM Viewing the topic Allegro H Bridge.
Guest 11:03:30 AM Viewing the topic dc motor swithing problems.
Guest 11:03:30 AM Viewing the topic PWM question.
Guest 11:03:29 AM Printing the topic "new cheep netbook?".
Guest 11:03:28 AM Printing the topic "soldering mistake?".
Guest 11:03:28 AM Viewing the topic AVR C: Line following program: sensors HELP!.
Guest 11:03:28 AM Viewing the topic bug in my code, where? I2C for BMP085 pressure sensor.
Guest 11:03:28 AM Printing the topic "C dominated 2008's open-source projects".
Guest 11:03:27 AM Viewing the topic Omni wheels positioning .
Guest 11:03:27 AM Printing the topic "Mounting Wheels".
Guest 11:03:26 AM Viewing the topic TV-remote controlled $50 robot.
Guest 11:03:24 AM Viewing the topic pic16f877a.
Guest 11:03:24 AM Printing the topic "How to make PWM signals out of Axon?".
Guest 11:03:22 AM Viewing the topic ...AD... BS2 Basic Stamp Microcontroller Starter kit for sale...AD....
Guest 11:03:21 AM Printing the topic "stepper motor + beam sensor".
Guest 11:03:21 AM Printing the topic "robots attacking humans: halloween costumes".
Guest 11:03:21 AM Viewing the topic Battery Charge Sensor.
Guest 11:03:20 AM Viewing the topic Motivated autonomous robot.
Guest 11:03:20 AM Viewing the topic What do you think of my first robot platform?.
Guest 11:03:19 AM Viewing the topic How does my quad H-Bridge/simple sensors board look so far? .
Guest 11:03:19 AM Printing the topic "AVR AREF pin and AVCC pin".
Guest 11:03:18 AM Viewing the topic Incremental (velocity) PID tuning.
Guest 11:03:18 AM Viewing the topic paintball robot project.
Guest 11:03:17 AM Viewing the topic epoxy sealing.
Guest 11:03:16 AM Printing the topic "Starting my first project by myself.. and need feedback on plans...".
Guest 11:03:16 AM Viewing the topic atmega168 or 328.
Guest 11:03:16 AM Printing the topic "Anyone competing/going to TePRA?".
Guest 11:03:15 AM Viewing the topic Fantastic Contraption Contest*Finished*.
Guest 11:03:14 AM Viewing the topic Recieving "calledbadISR" on Axon (not using interrupt atm).
Guest 11:03:14 AM Viewing the topic Telescoping camera mount.
Guest 11:03:14 AM Viewing the topic Axon II Problem.
Guest 11:03:13 AM Printing the topic "How much should I trust EagleCAD Autoroute?".
Guest 11:03:13 AM Viewing the topic Robot Localization - Coordinate System.
Guest 11:03:13 AM Printing the topic "Audio Impedance".
Guest 11:03:12 AM Viewing the topic saw transmitter.
Guest 11:03:12 AM Viewing the topic Controlling servos as an array in Webbotlib.
Guest 11:03:09 AM Viewing the topic Love for Engineers.
Guest 11:03:07 AM Viewing the topic POV-Ray, Parse Error: No matching }.
Guest 11:03:07 AM Viewing the topic Runtime communication with ATMEGA8515 via AVRISP2 with C++.
Guest 11:03:06 AM Viewing the topic Im back, with more discount goodies :) *Updated with Pics*.
Guest 11:03:04 AM Viewing the topic A Navigation Quandry (advice needed).
Guest 11:03:04 AM Viewing the topic help - "magic numbers".
Guest 11:03:03 AM Printing the topic "which transformer?".
Guest 11:03:02 AM Viewing the topic $50 Robot - Pin1 supposed to have positive voltage?.
Guest 11:03:02 AM Viewing the topic wheel fitting problem.
Guest 11:03:02 AM Viewing the topic Question on the BLACKFIN ROBOT CAMERA FOR AXON TUTORIAL.
Guest 11:03:02 AM Viewing the topic Skid steer wiring..
Guest 11:03:00 AM Viewing the topic Help with a schematic.
Guest 11:02:58 AM Printing the topic "******Super Bioloid 20 DOF for SELL !!******".
Guest 11:02:57 AM Viewing the topic pls post the circuit diagram for the obstricle avoider robo.
Guest 11:02:57 AM Viewing the board Software.
Guest 11:02:57 AM Printing the topic "project time and cost estimation".
Guest 11:02:55 AM Viewing the topic 25 dollar arm powered robot.
Guest 11:02:54 AM Viewing the topic Need Advise I Want To Start Building My First Humanoid Robot.
Guest 11:02:52 AM Viewing the topic large piezo speaker with Axon II.
Guest 11:02:52 AM Viewing the topic Powering Camera.
Guest 11:02:50 AM Viewing the topic Robotics in Australia.
Guest 11:02:48 AM Viewing the topic Ruggedized Solar USB charger.
Guest 11:02:48 AM Printing the topic "110v lawn mower power rectifier".
Guest 11:02:46 AM Viewing the topic Possible to wire a pen laser to the axon2?.
Guest 11:02:45 AM Printing the topic "need help please.. about your robot (adaptive mapping) ".
Guest 11:02:44 AM Printing the topic "Robot Follow a route".
Guest 11:02:44 AM Viewing the topic servo() function.
Guest 11:02:43 AM Viewing the topic PWM control.
Guest 11:02:42 AM Viewing the topic PID query.
