Hello I have trouble to tune an incremental also called velocity PID controller and want to ask if they are tuned in the same manner as the the positional.
The algorithm is:
PID=PID_last + Kp (e-e1) + Ki (e) + Kd (e- 2*e1+e2).
I know that for tuning you start with Ki and Kd =0 and start increasing Kp until you get some oscillations around the set point. Then increment the Kd to reduce the oscillations and finally Ki to reduce the error stationary error.
I start this way but I cannot make it oscillate, it is either too slow almost not reacting or fast passing over the set point and overshooting too much.
Is this type of PID also tuned that way or should I start with some other parameter other than Kp?
I would appreciate any help and tips.