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Offline benjiTopic starter

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a SoR project for all
« on: May 04, 2008, 04:15:45 AM »
hey folks, i just had an idea lately
like if admin can arrange some topic that everyone does a research for.
or maybe a pretty advanced robot that all of us build together
,,,what about making a team of us so we can do some big research
or 2 teams ,,maybe more, each team research a part of the robot then we assemble everything together
team1 study mechanichs
team2 does robot vision
team3 inteligence algorithms
team4 implementing/programing

wouldnt this be cool?
good ol' BeNNy

Offline superchiku

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Re: a SoR project for all
« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2008, 06:04:19 AM »
Iam in love to be in ur team



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Re: a SoR project for all
« Reply #2 on: May 04, 2008, 07:22:03 AM »
A project like this would need a dedicated leader . . .

If you really want, you should just start one and try and 'drag' people along with you. I'll encourage and help, but I'm tied up with other projects at the moment so wouldn't be able to lead something like this.

A suggestion, the $50 Robot hasn't been upgraded in awhile, you can always take it to the next step. Perhaps add vision to it? Encoders? Sonar? If everyone works to improve it, it would be be a team effort. A true open-source robot . . .

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Re: a SoR project for all
« Reply #3 on: May 04, 2008, 07:25:36 AM »
we will be glad to do that , adding functionalities like wall follower and all



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Re: a SoR project for all
« Reply #4 on: May 04, 2008, 07:50:37 AM »
robot will rule the world and i will be building them

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Offline benjiTopic starter

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Re: a SoR project for all
« Reply #5 on: May 04, 2008, 09:11:37 AM »
didn't we already talk about this

i wasnt here by that time, but why didnt u guys do it?

A project like this would need a dedicated leader . . .
sure and thats why i suggest you Admin for that, the are the most qualified here
its not a good idea that the leader be someone else because after the distributed work is done the leader should collect
all this work and put it together in the 50$robot
,maybe you can be the leader without working hard on it, there are others who are willing maybe
but you should assemble the stuff together at the end

if you guys willin to do so i can implement A* to that robot if it has a sharp IR scanner

and if anyone willing to join let post somthing here with suggestions about how to improve the 50$bot
good ol' BeNNy

Offline superchiku

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Re: a SoR project for all
« Reply #6 on: May 04, 2008, 10:14:19 AM »
iam completely into this , but how can we do it we are like oceans apart working together would be a little difficult without any cooperation ..



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Re: a SoR project for all
« Reply #7 on: May 04, 2008, 10:40:26 AM »
sure and thats why i suggest you Admin for that, the are the most qualified here

i think we are putting too much pressure on admin

really anyone can be the leader , as long as they have good organizational skills and are dedicated

any volunteers?
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Re: a SoR project for all
« Reply #8 on: May 04, 2008, 11:35:40 AM »
the problem is not leadership the problem is coordination how are we going to do that coz we are miles apart



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Re: a SoR project for all
« Reply #9 on: May 04, 2008, 02:34:18 PM »
i remember that in the lats project we were sujesting skype but we all live in different time zones

sure and thats why i suggest you Admin for that, the are the most qualified here
i think we are putting too much pressure on admin

i agree we should work togeather and let admin do his thing we are are perficly capable to do this without admin (NO OFFENCE) in the last topic we tryed this in admin didn't say anything untill the 4th page and we were doing fine
robot will rule the world and i will be building them

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Offline benjiTopic starter

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Re: a SoR project for all
« Reply #10 on: May 04, 2008, 03:35:38 PM »
well i agree with you folks

the leader should but the microcontroller
the leader should assembly the robot mechanic parts
the leader then should video it and post videos and pics

who is willing to be the leader?

the problem is not leadership the problem is coordination how are we going to do that coz we are miles apart
it doesnt matter
we can send admin the codes
we can send admin the pcb pictures
i mean the hard work can be sent via emails and the leader just downloads the hex files into his microcontroller and let the bot run

the problem we might face here is when we need to buy stuff like a sharp ir or servos,,
who's gonna pay n how?

maybe we need a leader who is willing to do so,,,

as long as the leader is gonna provide money and assembly work he doesnt have to do anything else
exept directing work

if anyone is willing to be a leader for this then im his first man,,,
and im sure there will be lots of others hwo are willing to participate

any other points?
good ol' BeNNy

Offline benjiTopic starter

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Re: a SoR project for all
« Reply #11 on: May 04, 2008, 03:37:53 PM »
or maybe if we are developing the same 50$ robot we just do coding and pcb design
then we send admin the stuff so he can try it

this way we should make strong algorithms cuz we only have an ir scanner and 2 motors
it would be fun
good ol' BeNNy

Offline Kohanbash

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Re: a SoR project for all
« Reply #12 on: May 04, 2008, 09:33:18 PM »
I think one of the problems with the original summer project was scope. Their were a lot of ideas but the coordination would have been a bit difficult.
I think this is a good idea, if we standardize on the $50 robot than who ever is interested in developing something can do it on their own (with support from the SOR community) and than share it with the community. This way everyone can work on what they are interested in while benefiting the group and not labeling any one as the "leader" or requiring the coordination.

Also once you write your tutorial it can probably be linked to the main $50 robot site.
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Re: a SoR project for all
« Reply #13 on: May 05, 2008, 02:50:18 AM »

This could be a SoR             MEMORAL MOMENT


...or mabye not...

       But sure I'll join...if im allowed?

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Re: a SoR project for all
« Reply #14 on: May 05, 2008, 02:59:52 AM »
didn't we already talk about this ???

That was a lovely topic...

Ending with Airman00 Saying   "Are we going to actually be building this, or not?"

and well...they never did...

So lets try to beat them !!!

I also loved the idea of calling it    "SoRobot"          Such Originality...

Offline dunk

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Re: a SoR project for all
« Reply #15 on: May 05, 2008, 03:32:33 AM »
didn't we already talk about this Huh
the problem with this topic was although many people had opinions on the specifications of the modules
nobody actually went ahead and designed any finished modules.
maybe this was because the final specs were too complicated for most of the people to work with.

personally i think the discussion was still worth having as a lot of design considerations were discussed which are useful in other projects.

if you guys decide to continue with your idea i would recommend keeping things simple.
each contributor would have to be able to design and use the part they are contributing (otherwise people just won't bother).
the $50 platform would bee a good starting point for this as a lot of people already have the platform.


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Re: a SoR project for all
« Reply #16 on: May 05, 2008, 03:44:02 AM »
didn't we already talk about this Huh
the problem with this topic was although many people had opinions on the specifications of the modules
nobody actually went ahead and designed any finished modules.
maybe this was because the final specs were too complicated for most of the people to work with.

personally i think the discussion was still worth having as a lot of design considerations were discussed which are useful in other projects.

if you guys decide to continue with your idea i would recommend keeping things simple.
each contributor would have to be able to design and use the part they are contributing (otherwise people just won't bother).
the $50 platform would bee a good starting point for this as a lot of people already have the platform.




Offline benjiTopic starter

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Re: a SoR project for all
« Reply #17 on: May 05, 2008, 09:20:25 AM »
i still see the need of a leader


1/give people orders (what each man has to do (study))

2/if there is no leader then there may be people not caring about working so the study would fail
so the leader can threat the person that they can be knocked out of the team if they dont work and
replaced by another.

any one can announce his/her self to be a leader if he/she wants to .(he/she has to has developing ideas)

then we can see how many people can join his/her team
good ol' BeNNy

Offline superchiku

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Re: a SoR project for all
« Reply #18 on: May 05, 2008, 11:30:46 AM »
well the leader should be experienced and efficient , who can be among us??



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Re: a SoR project for all
« Reply #19 on: May 05, 2008, 11:50:13 AM »
First off lets stop reinventing the wheel here. Most of the guys pushing this project now are new to the forum and where to my knowledge not as active when that was going on. Read the previous thread and look at the docs.

yes its like 6 pages or something but worth the read.

If you want to upgrade the $50 robot then just do it and write a tutorial for it. Adding vision or other functions would be nice and give people stepping stones to follow as they learn based on the same frame work. However the $50 robot is limited without a major overhaul. (Such as adding a Axion controller) The other open source SOR project was great because it did not require any leadership at all. I was excited about it but have stopped all robot research/construction for the time being because of a job change and moving. Next week things will calm down for me and I will be back into the swing and want to do some projects and was planning on taking one of the mini projects for the open source project and developing it because I need to use it for a project so why not conform to the open source specifications and present that.

The great thing about open source is it doesn't need a leader. Several of us where compiling data from the thread into those documents listed and that was all. No one lead that project. The only possible problem is two people working on the same module but is that really that bad?
Jonathan Bowen
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Offline benjiTopic starter

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Re: a SoR project for all
« Reply #20 on: May 05, 2008, 12:16:47 PM »
If you want to upgrade the $50 robot then just do it and write a tutorial for it.
this means all work on one,, i meant to distribute this work on a team and someone to manage it
specially if the thing is big like vision so when there are more than one helpin one another guess things would be
more possible to happen
cuz i dont think someone's has time to make vision for the 50$ by himself

i dunno, thats just my point of view
good ol' BeNNy


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Re: a SoR project for all
« Reply #21 on: May 05, 2008, 12:32:23 PM »
I think the whole thing should be approached from a slightly different angle.

I noticed in the programming section that somebody wanted a "programming cookbook" full of robot specific algorythms.

Maybe we could all create jointly a robotics cookbook. ie. rather than design an entire robot or related ciruict board, we should provide a basic circuit such as  circuit to play basic sound, an ir circuit etc. There could also be a programming and an mechanics section.

I know its pretty much like the user tutorials on this site, but most people seem to only be happy to contribute full robots (apart from a few). Maybe we should build a robot cookbook (archive) full of small, easy to use circuits, algorythms and construction tips (like how to mount gears)

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Re: a SoR project for all
« Reply #22 on: May 05, 2008, 01:15:38 PM »

Ok please read the above thread. this discussion is starting to look a lot like the last one.

Yes vision is a big project. If you want to assemble a team to tackle that project then go ahead. If you set a specific goal and then ask for help you will most likely get someone interested.
Jonathan Bowen
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Offline superchiku

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Re: a SoR project for all
« Reply #23 on: May 05, 2008, 01:51:25 PM »
what do u mean by a specific goal we can contribute collectively and if some body is new that doesnt mean that he is a noob ... he may have better ideas than all of us



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Re: a SoR project for all
« Reply #24 on: May 05, 2008, 03:30:40 PM »
I agree with Asellith...
If we want to contribute to the community then add so f#cking tutorials...
We only talk about it that much but it ends up being just air in open tank...

You see many thing maybe easy for you but there are noob people in this robot "world"...
If you feel like wanting to contribute then, as said before, try first of all to upgrade the 50$ robot...
Make a better case... build better wheels and all that stuff...
Mostly start with A people... I hear many enthusiasts  here talk about robot vision...
Do you know what the hell a robot vision want... DO NOT EXPECT that everyone, one nice Sunday morning will wake up
and say... Wife, Kids.... it's time to buy that maggot 50 bucks robot a camera.... Sorry I forgot to mention you grandpa...

Hell man... most of the guys here are Americans... I don't have a  problem with this, but that's your philosophy of living... BUYING...
It's time to build something... something good...
To those who are speaking for the robot vision for example... What are your suggestions... which CMOS chip to use...
how many pixels, why, how to interface it to a medium (an other microcontroller in between the camera and the main processor)
How much processing power we need... Have we looked to what other done before as... Take an example... AVRcam...
I've been a year in this forum and I don't even remember of hearing that...
AVRcam is an open software module... with both schematics available...
And what are these webbies about... only for putting photos in facebook... wake the f@ck up people....
This year I'm giving my board exams... And had to study hours and hours... but I have two robots in my roster even the one being unfinished...
What I'm telling is that if there is detication, there is time for everything... period people...

And why you need a leader... Is it why you are used so much of being sheep... you don't need a leader as far as you have will...
By will is what society lacks anyway... you probably need a manager for resources and such...
Without said leader and leadership is a bad thing ( it's a good thing in fact) but do not depend your whole lives on this... cause
good or bad, noone will spare you for free... ( and yes humanity is at a big stall these years... don't wonder why??? )

So... In the end... it does even matter... noway... it matters...
Because if you aid in SoR you will unintentionally aid in your everyday life...
Free information and help is my moto...
And I know that many do not compromise with this...

And to build a SoR robot is a nice idea... But a little bit difficult if people live in different places...
Superchiku said that before many times... But almost noone noticed...
And I wouldn't take an airplane to travel for Greece to anywhere in america for a single robot... without knowing anything about the country...

Well, that's it from me... It's your choice not mine after all...
And everything I said was a friendly advice... sorry for the tone of my voice...

Lefteris, Greece
« Last Edit: May 05, 2008, 03:33:23 PM by TrickyNekro »
For whom the interrupts toll...

Offline benjiTopic starter

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Re: a SoR project for all
« Reply #25 on: May 05, 2008, 04:08:22 PM »
well, i said before ,

1/ if you guys want to make a robot then someone would be willing to do the assembly

2/if you guys want to study some vision algorithms there is no need to assemble anything
and we can help each other with algorithms and coding ,,

3/the robotcook book is a great perfect idea, thanks paul,, this is what we need
,someone to suggest somthing that we can work together

If you feel like wanting to contribute then, as said before, try first of all to upgrade the 50$ robot...
Make a better case... build better wheels and all that stuff...

case ? wheels? i dunno what r ya thinkin but i was thinking to upgrade its algorithms ,the code....

Hell man... most of the guys here are Americans... I don't have a  problem with this, but that's your philosophy of living... BUYING...
It's time to build something... something good...
buying ??? i dont see anyone mentioned to buy anything unless you want to build the robot,,yea i guess you wont get a sharp ir and 2 servos for free

To those who are speaking for the robot vision for example... What are your suggestions... which CMOS chip to use...
how many pixels, why, how to interface it to a medium (an other microcontroller in between the camera and the main processor)
How much processing power we need...
yea thats the stuff we wanna discuss if we wanna make vision

AVRcam is an open software module...
i call this lazy work,,just hook the cmos camera into a microcontroller and do the processing all by yourself,,build your own algorithms
,,we wanna learn here not use already made stuff and just BUY it

And why you need a leader.
maybe you did understand a leader in a different way,,
its just someone who has to do the stuff i did mention before,,
this is a website and the people i may work with may quit for reasons i dunno why, we need someone to take of this stuff and find another
to replace,,i dont really wanna say that again....
if you wanna work with a team in SoR with no leader i guess youll be left working alone
and find what u have done doesnt plug to anything, as long as the work is distributed

Because if you aid in SoR you will unintentionally aid in your everyday life...
Free information and help is my moto...
thats why this post is posted  ;D

And to build a SoR robot is a nice idea... But a little bit difficult if people live in different places...
Superchiku said that before many times... But almost noone noticed...
And I wouldn't take an airplane to travel for Greece to anywhere in america for a single robot... without knowing anything about the country...
this is funny, no one is asked to travel nowhere for this project,,,i did notice it and i did answer superchiku on that


THE THING SUGGESTED IS TO STUDY AN ALGORITHM if we cant make a bot together(which is very hard to do)
and vision my man is all about algorithm
the cookbook paul did suggest is the perfect choice for us,,i think
good ol' BeNNy

Offline benjiTopic starter

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Re: a SoR project for all
« Reply #26 on: May 05, 2008, 04:24:20 PM »
A project like this would need a dedicated leader . . .

to add to what i said,, this is what Admin said in his first post here
good ol' BeNNy

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Re: a SoR project for all
« Reply #27 on: May 05, 2008, 04:52:16 PM »
Man, I did read some posts and was not talking personally...

I mentioned AVR cam as an example... You have to see something see how it works and then probably build it on your own...
I didn't mentioned copying it... Anyway, this is what I meant will all that post...
And I do not mean to get it personal but I've at least tried to make some worth looking tutorials... And tried at least
help people learn something... If not... well I hope the try is worth...

I didn't say that someone is obliged to go to a place to build the robot... I did say, some want but it's fairly impossible for them...

When I said buy... man do not deny it... I have never bought a module in my life except from a ultra sonic ranger because I knew little about electronics back then...

I mentioned leader because you wait for a leader... It seems you haven't read my explanation...

Man... please do not rephrase me... It kinda annoying!!! Every annoying I would say...
So If you don't understand something I say... comment... Don't rephrase me.... please...

And I wasn't talking personally until you made me to...

Again... friendly speaking above all...
For whom the interrupts toll...

Offline superchiku

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Re: a SoR project for all
« Reply #28 on: May 06, 2008, 01:10:36 AM »
vision u say is what we need but all of us dont know abt vision especially the programming part so if we are going to do something collectively then choose something which all can contribute in not some..



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Re: a SoR project for all
« Reply #29 on: May 06, 2008, 03:35:45 AM »
trickynero the talk was very much friendly till u did post and talked about stuff i dont think its appropriate to talk about,your language too(check how many F#CK u did) ,,plus, here is not the place to talk about american philosophy of life
we are trying to do somthing for the website in here and if you wanna be cooperative just suggest somthing
yea i could have suggested somthing wrong but thats not a sin i guess
maybe vision is wrong ,,so COME ON lets hear another subject we can do
dont u guys just judge what i suggested,if you think its wrong do suggest another thing

superchiku,,howcome you know that no one here knows about vision coding?

i have some algorithms myself i wanted to share,,the problem is that im using Matlab programming for that
so its a little tough to turn it to C

Again... friendly speaking above all...

peace ;)
good ol' BeNNy