there are 2 approaches to controlling servos on AVRs.
the first involves controlling the pulses in software.
this can be a pain because you need an exact pulse length every 50ms.
working the rest of your code in between the pulses without altering the timing can take a bit of patience but does have the advantage that you can control as many servos as you can write the code for.
the other (simpler) method is described in this article: the whole article but pay particular attention to the " Servo control with timer1" section.
this method generates the pulses in one of the AVRs timer hardware modules so you can just set the position and don't need program anything else.
the disadvantage of this method is you are limited to the number of timer compare pins associated with 16bit timers.
some AVRs have 2 of these pins per timer, some have 3. some AVRs have multiple 16bit timers with several compare pins on each.
i don't know how many the AVR on the Axon has. you will need to check.