Author Topic: please help newbie trying to program a robot to avoid obsticles with IR sensor  (Read 3403 times)

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Offline ArulataqTopic starter

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i am trying to build a robot similar  to one i found at:
the only difference is i am not using a LCD screen, keypad and a buzzer and i only need to have the full speed all terrain mode for the 16F876A chip and the full speed mode for the 16f88 chip and i have no experience in programing. can anyone help me with the hex code to program these chips.

here are the data sheets for the chips and sensor
IR sensor
H bridge

since i originally posted i have drawn 2 possible wiring diagrams and the flow charts that I'm trying to get each of the chips to do: (i have tried to post them but it doesn't look like attaching them is how to let other people view them they are .JPG can someone let me know if they can see the drawings and if not how i can post them)

if anyone knows a easier way to get the robot where it will work i am open for any suggestions.

thanks in advance.
« Last Edit: April 23, 2009, 01:13:13 PM by Arulataq »