I am new to this area, so i appologise if i ask newbie questions!
I am currently struggling to decide what method would be the best to control all 18 leg servos, and possibly one on the head for panning. I bought the MSR-H01 Hexapod Robot Kit frame, 6 x Hitec HS-225MG servos, and 12 x Hitec HS-645MG servos to start with. I also bought a ESD200 Bluetooth Serial Module for wireless communication back to my PC. I
I have been doing a lot research and I am overwhelmed at all the different ways of interfacing and am unsure of the best way to go. I have moderate skills in both programming and circuit design, and i am trying to design the servo control and interface board myself as a project! any suggestions as to what chips or ucontrollers I could use would be very much appreciated!