Hello! I can offer my opinion.
I would look at the terrain that the robot has to go. (load conditions)
Hydraulic motors can produce power to the wheel, but too heavy.(smaller, maybe?)
This sound similar to a chemical engineering question, with the power/ load demand.
You could take a motor, then run it in place on a jig & fixture, to determine the total
power demand per m. Or, run the whole model on a jig and fixture to get an idea
of the power consumption.(with load). You could use the Jig & fixture to give a laboratory
guesstimation of what would be needed, as a model. You could then, "tweek" out any
mechanical designs that you have, or mods to the UGV. If you are at a university, the neighboring
students at the electrical department may offer more insight, as they are on sight. Good luck!