Author Topic: Drilling into a D-shaft  (Read 2298 times)

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Offline DiegoChavezTopic starter

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Drilling into a D-shaft
« on: June 04, 2015, 10:25:50 PM »
I recently started a new project that I am very exited about. What I need to do is drill through a D-shaft even though I have some flat surface to work on it is very hard to drill. The bit just keeps moving. I dont know if you have any tips on how I can drill this and If I need any special type of drill bit or anything.

Offline mklrobo

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Re: Drilling into a D-shaft
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2015, 03:30:44 PM »
 ;D Hello!
Not really sure what you mean by a D - shaft, but I can give generic advice on drilling on a shaft.  :-\
It seems to have given you quite a problem, but if you are determined, it can be done, and not
bankrupting you.
I would suggest making a Jig - and - fixture, to hold the work you are drilling. If the shaft is in the
machine, and can not be moved, you may have to make a portable jig - and - fixture to secure the
work, before drilling it. Smith Lathes can provide you with needed jig/fixture parts. Good Luck!!   ;)

Offline bdeuell

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Re: Drilling into a D-shaft
« Reply #2 on: June 08, 2015, 07:55:18 AM »
it would be helpful if you can explain the design intent as well as provide a picture of what you are planning to do. This will allow us to guide you based on factors such as drill bit diameter, material, required precision, etc.

Also not sure if you are just having trouble keeping the drill bit from wandering or getting it to cut the material at all. If you are unable to cut the material make sure it is not hardened, you can do this by running a file across an edge (if it cuts it isn't too hard if it skates across the material it is quite hard).

In general if you are trying to drill accurate holes there are some good techniques. First if you have a drill press use it but from the sounds of it im guessing you are using a hand drill. In either case fix your work with a vice or clamp. It is always a good idea to center punch your holes this will give the drill point somewhere to start. you can also use a center drill or spot drill to start the hole, both of these are short stubby drills that will resist walking and help get the hole started and then switch to the drill you want to use. you can also step up your drill sizes so that you start with a small bit and increase to your final size in a couple steps (don't go too crazy with this a small bit will bend easier). drill bits come in different lengths as well, with jobbers length being the most common (hardware store) but screw machine length bits are (very common in machining industry) are shorter and more sturdy. If you are trying to drill on a round surface you may want to file a small flat first (or make a guide fixture as suggested above).

Smith Lathes
I believe you are referring to a Swiss Lathe

