Author Topic: Robotic arm to actuate switches and turn knobs on a wall-mounted panel.  (Read 2540 times)

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Offline arijitmaniacTopic starter

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Hello All,

A complete beginner here.
Suppose we have a big wall board with a large panel (size is variable but can be as big as 2m x 2m).
This panel can have multiple switches approx the size of the buttons on a handheld calculator and also rotary knobs of various sizes and textures. It may also contain a touchscreen.
We need a robot that can actuate the switches and turn the rotary knobs. The panel also has to be usable by a human.
So we are thinking of using an articulated robotic arm which can be mounted on rails on top of the panel. When not in use then the robot can retract to a stowed position thus not interfering with human operations and when in use it can move on the rails and reach out and actuate the buttons and knobs.

I would like to know if there are articulated robotic arms with enough precise control to be able to do this? Also what options do we have for actuators for the buttons, toggle switches and knobs?

I work for a company where we want to implement this so we are ready to look at and purchase industrial spec robots if they meet our needs.

Any help?


Offline cyberjeff

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Re: Robotic arm to actuate switches and turn knobs on a wall-mounted panel.
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2015, 12:26:32 PM »
We are largely hobbyist here, so knowledge of industrial products may be limited.

There is no shortage of industrial robot arms that would do the job:

However,  these would need to be programmed. And a "hand" added and programmed.

On the hobby level this is also doable but the size of your panel stretches available resources. There are a number of linear rail actuators that are designed for the 3D printer market that would have to be extended.

So, your project  is certainly doable provided that you have MINO (money is no object).

So, nothing off the shelf or easily doable. A fair size project, you have chosen!

