As for the ball mechanism:
Two pins sticking out forward, that are very close to the ground and are about 2,5 cm from eachother.
drive your robot so the pins go along the two sides of the ball, and then elevate the two pins (also make sure the ball doesn't roll off, using another pin)...
Simple... I'm not sure if my explanation is clear enough. And I'm also not sure if this is the same system as dragon explained, because I didn't really understand his explanation
A follow up question about my line follower I'm using a futaba S3003 hack servo motor, is there a way i can make it go a little faster without using the PWM(Pulse with Modulation)
Using PWM won't make your servo go faster than if you would not use PWM...
If you want to make your robot faster without using other servo's, use bigger wheels. That's by far the simplest solution