Author Topic: Quetion About Robotic Toolbox  (Read 3101 times)

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Quetion About Robotic Toolbox
« on: July 12, 2017, 10:00:04 PM »

My name is Mike and I own and opearte a brick and mortar computer sales and service center. I have been involved in eletronics IT etc for many many years. I learned a lot from my father while sitting on a stool in his television repair shop which tells you a lot about my age.

Anyway and very recently I came across this  device.

The premise being this piece of luggae will follow you around and is controlled by an app on your phone. It consistently remains 3 feet or so behind you and pretty much goes where you go... only problem is , its luggage.

I am trying to design and build a unit that does basically the same thing BUT to use as a toolbox. IN my indistry I only need to carry around 25-35 lbs of tools at anytime, and would liek to take a small case liek a Pelican case, use DC motors, dc batteries, and design an app for either a cell phone or simply build my own little remote attachment the toolbox woulc connect too wirlessly and simply follow me around. Stop when I stop, go when I go etc.

I work a LOT in larger buildings with5 or 10 or 20 floors and I move from one room to another punching down cables, terminantiog several different inputs etc and I am constantly sliding around digging through my toolbox looking for the tool I need for any particular job.

If anyone would even have a clue as to what motors I would need, what batteries in order to get say 3-4 hours of life per day out of teh system itself, a way to recharge during an 8 -12 hour period or so, whie still keeping it as light as possible with teh ability to carry at least 20-30 lbs or so.

I would think this would be very doable. The luggage in the link above is just now becoming available for around 400$ and in all reality could probably be used exactly as I intend to use it, however, there is something nagging at me making me want to design and build my own, but I dont havet he faintest clue where to start.

This will be my first undertaking in anything robotic BUT it is something I have wanted to try for a very long time. I just have never found anything that I found interesting up until this point...especially something that I would use on a day by day basis.

I am also confident that I am not the oNLY geek in teh world that would love to have an autonomous toolbox that would follow you around liek a puppy. There is something extremely cool and wildly high tech about this.

Sof if anyone has any suggestions as to where to start as far as motors and betteries and part numbers etc I am more than willing to listen, The Pelican type cases are very easy to come by and i am looking at the 18 inch long by 12 inch wide by 8 inch high waterproof models. They weigh less than 5 lbs and would make a wonderful small toolbox.

Its just now I need the way to power them and make them move as I move and to have them last a normal work day.

If you watch the video above or are somewhat familiar with this luggage then it will become obvoius what I am trying to accomplish. Hey it could be the next Uber ...who knows :)

YThanks in advance for any help of direction.

Mike aka egeekiel