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Guest 02:39:03 PM Viewing the board index of Society of Robots - Robot Forum.
Guest 02:39:03 PM Viewing the topic New C library - testers required.
Guest 02:39:02 PM Viewing the topic New C library - testers required.
Guest 02:39:02 PM Viewing the topic How to build a 8+ channel RF transmitter & receiver .
Guest 02:39:02 PM Viewing the topic I think I have the bug.
Guest 02:39:02 PM Viewing the forum stats.
Guest 02:39:02 PM Viewing the topic SOR community project?.
Guest 02:39:01 PM Printing the topic "total newbie in robotics help me design a robot for these specification".
Guest 02:38:59 PM Viewing the topic Meet Remi.
Guest 02:38:59 PM Viewing the topic Robo-One Bipeds.
Guest 02:38:59 PM Viewing the topic First personal project..
Guest 02:38:58 PM Viewing the topic $50 help with electronics.
Guest 02:38:58 PM Viewing the topic Convert SOP form into POS form.
Guest 02:38:58 PM Viewing the forum stats.
Guest 02:38:57 PM Viewing the board Misc.
Guest 02:38:57 PM Viewing the forum stats.
Guest 02:38:57 PM Viewing the topic I've finished my first robot!.
Guest 02:38:55 PM Viewing the topic crane .
Guest 02:38:54 PM Viewing the topic Axon, Arduino, $50 Robot MCU.
Guest 02:38:52 PM Viewing the topic Robot deign software.
Guest 02:38:51 PM Viewing the topic My robot progress thread....
Guest 02:38:49 PM Viewing the topic Wheel width for differential drive robot.
Guest 02:38:49 PM Viewing the topic head for walking robot.
Guest 02:38:49 PM Viewing the forum stats.
Guest 02:38:49 PM Viewing the topic 2 x 18v drill motors & Trigger for speed control.
Guest 02:38:47 PM Viewing the topic Something of Interest.
Guest 02:38:47 PM Viewing the topic feature tracking by a camera.
Guest 02:38:47 PM Viewing the topic $50 robot programming failure.
Guest 02:38:45 PM Viewing the topic 900MHz Wireless Embedded Systems Programming.
Guest 02:38:45 PM Viewing the topic HS 311 Potentiometer Wires.
Guest 02:38:45 PM Viewing the topic Dynamic load for cylindrical robot.
Guest 02:38:43 PM Viewing the topic A Word of Thanks.
Guest 02:38:43 PM Viewing the topic robot aliens.
Guest 02:38:42 PM Viewing the topic Creepy MIT robot.
Guest 02:38:42 PM Viewing the topic AVR resetting on its own problem.
Guest 02:38:41 PM Viewing the topic Servo issues.
Guest 02:38:40 PM Viewing the topic thermal sensor.
Guest 02:38:40 PM Viewing the topic Help needed for algorithm.
Guest 02:38:39 PM Viewing the topic Underwater to Surface Wireless Comunication.
Guest 02:38:37 PM Viewing the topic cont-rotation servo hexapod mechanism?.
Guest 02:38:37 PM Viewing the board index of Society of Robots - Robot Forum.
Guest 02:38:37 PM Viewing the topic sharp IR 'radar'.
Guest 02:38:37 PM Viewing the topic "Starman" Vehicle.
Guest 02:38:36 PM Viewing the topic URGENT!!! anyone out der who made a sandwich robot, a line follower?.
Guest 02:38:36 PM Viewing the board index of Society of Robots - Robot Forum.
Guest 02:38:35 PM Viewing the topic Axon clone.
Guest 02:38:35 PM Viewing the topic Please, how do i control my servo with an ATMEGA 168, 16Mhz MCU.
Guest 02:38:34 PM Printing the topic "breadboard".
Guest 02:38:34 PM Viewing the topic New Jersey Hackerspace.
Guest 02:38:33 PM Viewing the topic Thai Rescue Robot 2008.
Guest 02:38:32 PM Viewing the topic Motor sanity check.
Guest 02:38:32 PM Viewing the topic Misty II robot for education, development and research.
Guest 02:38:32 PM Viewing the topic Axon baud problem.
Guest 02:38:31 PM Moderating the topic GIFR - Interrupt flag.
Guest 02:38:30 PM Viewing the topic ROBOTiX 2010 at IIT Kharagpur, India.
Guest 02:38:28 PM Viewing the topic diploma electro mechanical.
Guest 02:38:28 PM Viewing the topic New RC robot project.
Guest 02:38:28 PM Viewing the topic IR noise.
Guest 02:38:27 PM Viewing the topic Can a PocketPC be used instead of a microcontroller?.
Guest 02:38:27 PM Viewing the board index of Society of Robots - Robot Forum.
Guest 02:38:26 PM Viewing the topic Voltage Regulator...?.
Guest 02:38:26 PM Viewing the topic What can be recycled from a used Portable DVD Player.
Guest 02:38:26 PM Printing the topic "can someone give me a challenge?".
Guest 02:38:25 PM Viewing the topic R/C control help.
Guest 02:38:24 PM Viewing the topic need advice on navigation, wheel configuration, motor types, etc..
Guest 02:38:24 PM Viewing the topic DIY 3D printer Project.
Guest 02:38:24 PM Viewing the topic whatever happened to admin?.
Guest 02:38:24 PM Viewing the topic HS-311: Do they include servo mounts?.
Guest 02:38:23 PM Printing the topic "Logic Analyzer Recommendations?".
Guest 02:38:23 PM Viewing the topic The Making of a Micro SD Card Breakout Board.
Guest 02:38:22 PM Viewing the topic OSCAR - motor controller - programming issues.
Guest 02:38:22 PM Viewing the topic Salt Dropping, Line Following Robot???.
Guest 02:38:22 PM Viewing the topic Transmitter and Reciever for Thrusters.
Guest 02:38:22 PM Viewing the topic Robot Society Example.
Guest 02:38:21 PM Viewing the topic new here... howdy. Also, multi-stage belt drives?.
Guest 02:38:21 PM Viewing the topic new a.r drone .
Guest 02:38:18 PM Viewing the topic Small question involving the 50$ Bot to be sure because...
Guest 02:38:18 PM Viewing the topic Actuators for robot arms.
Guest 02:38:17 PM Viewing the board index of Society of Robots - Robot Forum.
Guest 02:38:16 PM Viewing the board index of Society of Robots - Robot Forum.
Guest 02:38:15 PM Viewing the board index of Society of Robots - Robot Forum.
Guest 02:38:15 PM Viewing the topic Need Help and suggestion in electronics components .
Guest 02:38:14 PM Viewing the topic Long Shot - Looking for a working replica of Jinx from Space Camp?????.
Guest 02:38:13 PM Printing the topic "tracks vs. wheels".
Guest 02:38:13 PM Viewing the topic Wheels for autonomous robot.
Guest 02:38:11 PM Printing the topic "Ideas about connecting servo to threaded rod.".
Guest 02:38:10 PM Viewing the topic Access Denied.
Guest 02:38:09 PM Printing the topic "Disc slotted rotary encoder".
Guest 02:38:08 PM Viewing the topic L.
Guest 02:38:08 PM Viewing the topic $50 Robot Servos operate sparatically.
Guest 02:38:07 PM Printing the topic "reliable servos - really reliable servos!".
Guest 02:38:07 PM Viewing the topic calculating torque to turn a wheel.
Guest 02:38:06 PM Printing the topic "distance sensor".
Guest 02:38:06 PM Viewing the topic Something I Just Learned .
Guest 02:38:05 PM Viewing the topic First personal project..
Guest 02:38:03 PM Viewing the topic SoR's New Computer Game!.
Guest 02:38:02 PM Viewing the topic I2C tutorial?.
Guest 02:38:01 PM Viewing the topic Realistic Robot.
Guest 02:37:59 PM Viewing the topic Independent Suspension System.
Guest 02:37:58 PM Viewing the topic Advantages/Disadvantages of a Mars Rover Style Robot (Think Taurus 2).