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Alright well im planning on building a fairly big robot(i figure it will be simplier then a small one)
so far i figure im going to go out to Home depot and buy a light, thin(ish) wood, cut that, weigh it, weigh my board, and then find the torque i'll need to carry it all(with some extra torque so i can add stuff later on)does this make for a sound plan?
i've never done any shop work on anything other then wood, i recentyl bought a firaly decent Miter Saw at a garage sale that came with a metal blade and a wood blade, Admin what CAD do you use? i've worked with AUTOCAD for my whole school year(i didnt use 3D) and i dont think AutoCad has that.
I tried to find a good robot simulator so i could test out my "materials" before buying anything
hey is this: inventor?on the autodesk website the only purchasing option is for 5000$ where as this is 500$
so what all does this program do besides modeling, weighing, and gear physics?
also with this: it that the hydrulic is affecting the other thing? or is it just an animation of turning?