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How come the other HS-225MG didn't fry?
are those regular speeed servos?
5) Most servos won't break if you reverse voltage, however one of my HS-225MG servos went up in smoke . . . literally tons of smoke. A wasted $35 My other HS-225MG, four of my HS-311's, a Futaba S3114, two HS-5245MG's, and two of my HS-225BB servos survived without a problem.
Figured I'd give a quickie update.The newest version has been fully assembled (see attached image), minus the on off switch that I forgot to make a mount for . . .Its significantly more stable now that I got that second omni wheel in there. The new claw can finally grab and hold stuff. Still haven't bought a replacement shoulder servo . . .Currently I am working on getting the blackfin camera functional, and soon after that Ill be trying to get my Axon to communicate with it. I also made a mount for my digital compass, so at some point I'll [finally] integrate that too.Now I just got to make sure the ninja arms don't karate chop the camera off during testing . . .
What is the laser for and what does it do?
Are you using PID with your drive servos? How do you accelerate and slow down? I have a hard time figureing this out for my robot and didn't find samples on the net to help me out.
QuoteAre you using PID with your drive servos? How do you accelerate and slow down? I have a hard time figureing this out for my robot and didn't find samples on the net to help me out.Are you referring to using encoders with servos?I'm somewhat religiously against PID . . . I prefer using fuzzy logic for robots. It's simpler, faster, and almost as reliable. You are only kidding yourself if you think deadreckoning works for home based robots . . . With a few exceptions, I'm mostly against encoders, too . . .
i wonder if u could explain to me the properties of using the omni wheels?
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