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So if I wanted to run 2 basic DC motors of a differential drive robot I would need a dual h-bridge, correct? Is this what other folks use? Also, what other options are there?
Checkout my motor driver tutorial for various circuits:
Wikipedia has a good short description of H-bridges.'m partial to the LMD18200 H-bridge IC. It uses MOSFETs so it doesn't get really hot like the L298 (which uses bi-polar transistors and provides a significant voltage drop to the motor). It also has built in flyback diodes, so you don't need external diodes like with the L298. The disadvantage is that there is only 1 H-bridge per package, whereas the L298 has 2 (a dual H-bridge). This makes the L298 cheaper to use. So I recommend the LMD18200 for 2 or 3 amp loads and the L298 for smaller loads like 1A or less.