Author Topic: How do i make a robot follow movement with a basic stamp 2?  (Read 4211 times)

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Offline ZacAttackTopic starter

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How do i make a robot follow movement with a basic stamp 2?
« on: February 16, 2009, 12:19:26 PM »
How do i make a robot follow movement with a basic stamp 2? i amd going to be building a hexapod and this woudl jsut be cool,

Offline Razor Concepts

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Offline ang5t

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Re: How do i make a robot follow movement with a basic stamp 2?
« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2009, 01:50:15 AM »
Here is a link to the BOE-BOT manual from parallax.
 It uses the BS2 and has a program that makes the BOE-BOT follow another bot while staying a certain distance away as to not get to close.
So if the blue wire goes here, then that means...(bzzzt) oops....